Friday, September 13, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | What Happened Last Night?

So, last night my dad woke me up by opening up the garage door. I woke up, and thought, hey, why not try to Wild? So I relaxed and began to daydream. Before I knew it, I was viewing my body from the side in 3rd person. I kept breathing and it felt strange. My body went completely numb and I couldn't move it. I realized I was in SP so I relaxed. I cant remember anything after that. I'm pretty sure I had an LD though. Because the next LD I had that night I realized I was dreaming did a reality check and thought to myself ''MY 2nd ld this night!'' I began to run and then the dream faded very quickly. I remembered a dream later that night and when I woke up I wrote everything down I could remember. So my questions are: Was I in Sleep paralysis? Why cant I even remember ONE part of my first Ld, and I'm not even sure if I had that first ld?


Jacob, novice lucid dreamer

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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