Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | DILD, problems with the moment of realization

Hi Guys.

So I usually only attation any sort of lucidity when having DILDs. Sometimes this happens without any problems but usually when i am with DCs(people) problems can occur, im wondering if this is common. Let me explain with my dream last night.

The first thing i remember is just being in a building with lots of people, somehow i realise i am dreaming and think 'oohh what shall i do?' i try and make everyone disappear and make a forest/wood/lake sorta enviroment. But suddenly my focus is caught by a DC, looking straight into my eyes, angrily, almost as if its my mind saying 'you shouldnt know' or 'you shouldnt be doing this'. It seems to happen fairly often, kinda like in the film Inception when the DCs turn hostile to someone that shoudnt be in the dream, if you've seen it. So when this happens i either wake up or start getting attacked. Anyone got any bright ideas how to avoid this? Maybe last night i was trying a bit too hard with my changes but sometimes the DCs can turn hostile as soon as i realise. the stare the DCs give me, its scary.:shock:

for anyone thats interested what happened in the rest of that dream, once the DC stared at me i immediately thought 'shit im gonna wake up now' but i didnt, instead i fet my body jolt(maybe it did in real life aswell) and my body had turned big and muscular AND GREEN, like i was the hulk! then some DCs also turned to hulk-like characters and we fought. I think by this point i had lost any awareness i was still dreaming and just went along with it.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=146910&goto=newpost

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