Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Need help! :(

So I've badly been wanting to Lucid Dreaming but don't understand a thing anyone talks about, I was wondering if someone could make a noob friendly tutorial. Also, I want to try that Lay on your back for 20-30 minutes COMPLETELY still, and you will fill your chest floating up, and you'll be flying and you open your eyes, and you're dreaming, close them and you can control your dream, that sounds like the easiest and was wondering, I found out about Lucid Dreaming a year ago, but totally forgot about it, so I never trained for it, and have only had about 5-10 Lucid Dreams randomly. I want to just Lucid Dream using that Lay on your back 20-30 mins solution. So please reply, will it work like that, if not. Can you make a noob tutorial for me maybe! :D PLease :D :D :D It would be very nice and helpful of you! Thanks, -Ethan

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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