Monday, September 16, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Should I WILD? Im scared lol

I've been doing MILD with WBTB for a little while now but I can only do this on weekends because if I wake up 5 hours into the night in order to do MILD (with WBTB) I have to go to school. I only really get 5 hours of sleep on weekdays. And if I wake up to early (like 3 hours into my sleep) it never works. So I want to try WILD but I heard it can give you some pretty bad sleep paralysis. And last time I tried it I started to hear weird noises so I chickened out :panic:.

So is having terrifying experiences with sleep paralysis a rare thing? And is their anyway to avoid it? And really is it worth it? should I WILD?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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