Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Did I just become lucid or did I dream that I became lucid?

I repeated what I did the night before and got up at 07.00 AM and stayed up for an hour, revising a list I'm doing for memory improvement. I went back to bed and did 5 minutes running through memory checks and dream signs, then my usual instruction re waking-up after each dream and recording it. I woke up once after a small dream and resolved to remember it and go back to sleep (that's been risky in the past, but I do remember it and I will add it to my dream journal - that's a step forward already) Then sometime after 9.00 AM (I think, because I woke at 9.20 am) I had another dream.

I was working at a desk in a company (DS) A woman brought me a package and told me to send it to (I don't remember the company name) I thought "That's not part of my job description." but I must have located the phone number of a contact and I rang him to confirm the address and recipient. He blathered on and seemed to be complaining about me ringing him Then I couldn't find the package on my desk and I thought something like "That's odd...I must be dreaming."

Then the scene seemed to change to open countryside and I could feel the heat of the sun. People talk about excitement...well I felt joy I thought I can tell the wife that I'm lucid! Then I thought don't lose the dream and it started to go and I think I felt a bit dizzy. I remembered about spinning and I did it for a very short while...I usually get very dizzy doing that but not this time. It seemed to stabilize but then I wake up. But I noticed the background music I was playing was absent...then it seemed to fade-up. I remembered to check that it wasn't a false-awakening then I tried to get back into the dream but I've never done that before and it didn't work.

Could I have dreamt that I'd become lucid? Would I have dreamt saying "I must be dreaming?"

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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