Thursday, September 5, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Turning medical SP into lucid dreaming..

I get the medical condition of Sleep Paralysis quite often (not HH) and I had an episode today and decided to try again to get into a lucid dream with it. I calmed myself and then imagined myself floating above the ocean. I had that weird vortex thing open up in front of me again. It was full of colors and tiny dream fragments. I focused on it some more and I felt myself flung out of my body into this weird void. In this void I had hypnagogic images, but I couldn't seem to focus on the dream scene I wanted (floating above the ocean), so I gave up. I forgot that I had been in SP though, and the next thing I remember I was waking up out of a short non-lucid dream back into SP. And the dream was nothing to do with the ocean. Obviously I had almost succeeded.. what did I do wrong this time? Why couldn't I focus on the dream scene I wanted? I tried projecting myself into the random hypnagogia but that didn't work either..

Do you think floating above the ocean was a bad aim? Do you think I should try and project myself onto solid ground next time? What should I do different next time?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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