Friday, August 19, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Unorthodox Method (Am I the only one who does this)

Hi, infrequent lurker here. I am able to get lucid dreams frequently if I am trying through DILD, but I also have sort of an unorthodox method for getting DEILD/WILD dreams. Basically, when I was a kid I would get nightmares a lot, to the point where I was afraid of falling asleep, and through that I learned to recognize the moment just as I was falling asleep. Generally I would accept that I cant wake up and allow myself to fall into a dream, but after learning about WILD and lucid dreaming techniques I realize when I am in that stage, if I maintain lucidity, I will enter Sleep Paralysis and potentially a lucid dream. So, with some practice I was able to enter a lucid dream from being awake just by starting to doze off, recognizing when my body goes limp, and riding out the sleep paralysis into a dream.

This has worked just as I fall asleep, during "WBTB" , and what I would call DEILD, which is when I exit a non lucid dream, another time when I can recognize the onset of the sleep paralysis state, and gain lucidity. This seems to be quite different from the normal WILD because I have never actually experience, or tried to experience a hypnogogia stage, rather I fall asleep normally and stop myself right at the onset of the sleep paralysis stage. Does anyone else do it like this, is what I am doing even considered a WILD? For the record I am still working on dream control and I have had some succeses and failures. My main problem, which I know is the major problem with this method, is I dont know when I will have the dream, and so I am often unprepared and can lose focus. Perhaps I can learn how to control it better though or apply my skills to the usual WILD method.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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