Monday, August 8, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Two main approaches

I'm still in the grip of a long dry spell that has been driving me mad!

I'm looking for another approach now, because the one I've been trying is just not working.

I see LDing as having two main approaches.
It seems (at least for me) that I flip easily between the two states of waking and sleeping, but find it very difficult to stop in that between state of conscious dreaming.
The two approaches are to come from dreaming to an LD (DILD, MILD), or to go from the waking state to an LD (WILD).

My previous success has been with WILD, and DILD, but my problem has been that each LD has been very short apart from two slightly longer ones.
I decided to start again, and went back to basics, spending more time on my day work and DJ. I resolved to not get stressed about lack of success and enjoy my non-lucid dreams, with a view to slowly approaching LDs from the dreaming side.

The problem is, while my dream recall is good (and always has been reasonable), I just can't seem to get lucid now.
I have plenty of "almost" moments where I wake remembering that I thought an event or scene was strange, but never enough to get me to RC within the dream or to become lucid spontaneously.

I tend to think about LDing several times during the day, and RC 5 or so times each day. I did have a spontaneous nose pinch RC a few times in the early days but nothing now.

My dry spell has now lasted more than six months, so as you can imagine, I am a bit pi55Ed off as this idea is talking too long!

On a few occasions I have tried going back to WBTB/WILD, but that hasn't worked either.
I want to stick with the MILD/DILD approach, because it feels nearly there, but I just need a tiny bit of success to prove I'm on the right track.
What's the problem?

Any advice please?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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