Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | FAQ from Multiple LDers

Hey! This thread is kind of a FAQ for LDers. I am going to write down a bunch of frequently asked questions and answer them in a format the anyone can read and answer for themselves. Kind of like an open survey, but in a way that people can see and get their own ideas from as well as ask more questions. Please don't ask questions in this thread, PM people and ask them there. If you are answering the questions, feel free to add any questions to answer that you get frequently.

  • Age: 25
  • Age when you started LDing: 21
  • How long have you been LDing: 4 years and some change (June 12, 2012)
  • How many LDs have you had: 1300-1400
  • How often do you LD: about every night, probably 4-7 nights a week
  • Average LD length: 10 minutes
  • Longest LD: impossible to tell really since I believe in time dilation
  • Longest it felt: a week
  • dreams per night: 2+ if I have less than 2, it is a night I sleep very little
  • Longest dream: impossible to tell since I believe in time dilation
  • Longest a dream felt: 150 years, but that was definitely fake memories. 2 years of straight up time.
  • Spiritual beliefs in regards to LD (physical, metaphysical, spiritual): I believe that a dream is a normal physical function of the body and that LDing is lumped in with that. It is cool and it seems to have all sorts of amazing things with it,
  • DILD or WILD: Both, start with both and be consistent
  • how often do you attempt to WILD: Every time I go to sleep
  • How do you WILD: a balance between aware and unaware, an anchor is needed to keep your awareness at the right level.
  • How often do you WILD: about twice a week
  • How much time per day do you spend on LDing: about 15 minutes
  • How much time do you spend on LDing at night: about 30 minutes if you count the WBTBs and things
  • How much do you sleep per night: 6 hours, I LD much better if I sleep 7-8 though.
  • How do you meditate: usually visualization, but I think of meditation as directed thinking.
  • Do you use ADA: No
  • Thoughts on ADA: A good idea, but I think that trying to pay attention to all things at all times is kind of dumb, because that is impossible.
  • Thoughts on ADA-RC: I like the idea, since it is "pay attention to one thing at all times" instead of "all things all the time" you can please all the people some of the time or some of the people all the time, but you can't please all the people all the time, the same thing applies to awareness. I don't use it though since I am already good at LDing and am too busy and really bad at paying attention to do something like this.
  • How do you stabilize: I breathe in slowly through my nose and rub my hands together
  • How often do you need to stabilize: I try it at the end of my dreams, but if it doesn't work, then DEILDing also doesn't work. After learning how to DEILD after every LD that ends shortly, I don't think that it is "extending" a dream, but "saving a dream" like a last chance stabilization tech. After getting really good at it, I stopped worrying about how long dreams were going to last and suddenly, they lasted longer without me worrying about it,
  • How many breaks have you taken from LDing and how long were they: none longer than a day or two
  • Time dilation: I believe it is possible and that our perception of time is like our perception of everything else, and is dependent on your past experiences and present mindset. I don't think that it is a "processing power" of your mind.
  • WBTB: always, many, mini, forever
  • Coolest thing you have done in a lucid dream: All sorts of things. Zödra is probably my favorite, it is my persistent realm that I continue to go to and expand and meet and fight DCs. Here is more about it.
  • Zödra: My World, its Rules, Regulations, and Explorations
  • Links that you recommend:
  • Thanks For All The Fish
  • Mine is a little bit of a hack. haha.

Spoiler for Format:

  • Age:
  • Age when you started LDing:
  • How long have you been LDing:
  • How many LDs have you had:
  • How often do you LD:
  • Average LD length:
  • Longest LD:
  • Longest it felt:
  • dreams per night:
  • Longest dream:
  • Longest a dream felt:
  • Spiritual beliefs in regards to LD (physical, metaphysical, spiritual):
  • DILD or WILD:
  • How do you WILD:
  • How often do you attempt to WILD:
  • How often do you WILD:
  • How much time per day do you spend on LDing:
  • How much do you sleep per night:
  • How much time do you spend on LDing at night:
  • How do you meditate:
  • Do you use ADA:
  • Thoughts on ADA:
  • Thoughts on ADA-RC:
  • How do you stabilize:
  • How often do you need to stabilize:
  • How many breaks have you taken from LDing and how long were they:
  • Time Dilation thoughts:
  • WBTB thoughts:
  • Coolest thing you have done in a lucid dream:
  • Links that you recommend:

I am hoping that this will give some people some ideas on LDing and things... Not sure why I am doing this, but it is the thread I felt like posting. This thread is always relevant and I don't think it should ever be considered "necro posted" in the future since it is still going to be good info.

PLEASE only post your answers to questions here and questions like this here, I want it to be easy for people to read and see the answers to questions they want by different people.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/2aYUj55

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