Thursday, December 15, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | VagalTone's last word on becoming lucid

So, basically, i want to say that lucidity is a state of being, or you can call it a state of mind, a mindset. It's not a goal, not a technique. it's both the method, the path and the goal, all in one. So you accomplish (goal) lucidity by being (path) lucid (method).

That is not to say that techniques are not helpful. They certainly are, when they lead us in this direction of being lucid and not just wanting to be lucid for the moment of a RC. We must create the habit of being lucid, not the habit of being lucid for a few moments. And surely one should not try to only be lucid while dreaming. Then, it will never happen perfectly, because one always carry oneself into the dream. How can you expect to be unlucid during the day, and lucid at night ? Or rude during the day, and loving at night ? They will cancel each other, neutralize themselves

Basically, one has to learn to stay with the experience in an open, unprotected, vulnerable, accepting way. One has to learn to not use the moment as a means to an end, but as a journey with no end other than itself. Life has no meaning other than itself. It simply is and that is enough to justify its existence..
Each moment must be joy in itself and not just for the sake of the future reward, because then one will stay right here and no future promise or past regret will distract us from the joy of this moment, the joy of this integrity of being with the experience, completely available and connected completly loving, giving all your presence to life, not fearing or pushing away unpleasantness, or doing it less amd less.
If we chose to dissociate away from this moment, either by multitasking or by thinking about the experience instead of living it directly or by paying attention to something more pleasant or less boring, we are saying this experience is not good enough, and this habit of aversion and wanting will keep you distractible and restless. Therefore your presence will be much more difficult. So you must change it bit by bit.

When it is perfected, then your mind stays on track, wants to stay on track, and your intentions and purpose become crystal clear, and so lucidity has the chance to co-emerge. Indeed, it has to arise, as every condition is present for it to appear.
Singletasking is best for this. Multitasking comes from the rush to reach the next reward, that only comes in the next moment and so you lose this lucidity.

So, how can we better improve our night lucidity if not by being lucid always ?

Remember, its not a technique. It is a way of being. It is called mindfulness.
Tecnhiques can only point at it.
If you love your life with presence you will want to be present to love your dream life too.

Keep this close to your heart.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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