Saturday, December 24, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Attacking technique

Hiiiii dear friends! I have returned to this forum after one year:cheeky:....I missed you all....

I had many odd experiences about LD which i want to share one of them with is also a new method for LD which you may like to be inspired by that....

when i read about Raduga technique, a personal method came into my mind. Raduga said that when you wake up in the morning, first try to get out of your body...but do it mentally...because your mind and body are in the best situation for LD. Also i have read somewhere else that when you wake up, your astral body is not yet merged to your body for some seconds it came to my mind that i can create my own technique....:chuckle:

I said to myself that when i wake up every time during night and morning, i try to really wake up and sit in my bed even with my PHYSICAL BODY!!!!!!!!!!!! yes, even with my physical body....

so if i am in theta brain wave then no matter if i try to move mentally or physically, i will enter to dream world because i can't move my real physical body in dream because it is paralyzed...but if i sit with my physical body then i wasn't in proper state for LD...

an important thing is that i MUST try to do is to sit down when i wake up in less than 1 SECOND....very very quickly.....if i waste one more second then i will wake up in my real i call it attacking technique....

I tried this method only 3 times...and i stopped it for one bad experiences...

the first time i tested it, it gave me an FA ..... but it was so real that i was scared when someone hit the door and disappeared....In dreams we are usually more brave than reality but i was as coward as i am in daily life using this technique...the second time it didn't work...the third time, after doing this method, although i woke up in my physical body and sat down but my brain wave was still in theta state and i saw 8 people in my room which made me to is said that sometimes our brain remain in theta state some seconds after we wake up and move our is rare but it happened in my method due to its nature...these bad nightmares made me to stop using this technique but it may help to someone here who wants to have Adrenalin boost in blood:D.

So the summery of this Attacking technique is:

- have some hours of sleep
- wake up and stay awake for some minutes but when you want to sleep again remind yourself that you will wake up again several times....
- when you wake up, try to sit down even physically in less than 1 or 2 seconds...very someone who wants to attack something....
- do RC as you might be dreaming...
- if nothing happened return back to sleep and remind yourself that you will wake up again and do this method....

So the most important difference between this method and Raduga's is that the first one is with even physical body but the second one is only mentally which is less efficient as many people are not good at visualization...if you get used to sit down with your real body then the other nights it become part of your subconscious mind and you will do it with your dream body as soon as you wake up....

thanks for reading:)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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