Thursday, December 29, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | How important is keeping an overview for general lucidity

I'm having some trouble finding the right english word for it. But how does keeping a general overview and your skill of being able to assess information and oversight or control in situations in life, affect your overall lucidity in dreams?

Does anyone else see a connection with this. I mean, bawsically lucid dreaming is having a lucid understanding of the situation that you are in, which is a dream and is malleable. Life likewise produces massive amounts of different situations. Being able to pick-up intent in people's words/tones. Knowing what is going on around you. How people feel is what I focus on. But there's a lot more things you can pick up on I reckon.

Don't get me wrong, normally I go through life with tunnelvision. Generally unaware what's going on around my body. Maybe that is why I think I have only a few dozen lucid dreams during years since my first Lucid dream. maybe

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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