Saturday, December 10, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | knowing from windows to interior space

Hi, here's my first question, regarding WILD.
usually I go through later window to the deep sleep, after 4-6 hours of sleep,
before, I used to get up and read for a while, today I stop doing it
because majority of times I didn´t fall asleep easily due to anxiety
now when I wake up naturally, in my head I memorize the last dream and mark my intention. More or less ⅓ from the days, I get a lucid dream,the rest I fall into normal dreams.

Also, when I have a long siesta(about 1 hour), I dream,
A few times I've had lucid dreams. But normally, I take a short nap(about 30 min)
and I only get being relaxed(stage 1) and sometimes, I lose my consciousness into short light sleep(stage 2)

other windows rings a bell, but I haven't experienced it yet.
for example, in a short nap or to use early night drowsiness, before falling deep asleep.
or when you wake up from a normal dream and quickly you come back(now lucid)
or even with meditation-relaxation.I remember sitting in a natural and lonely place, still daytime
ith my attention in my breathing(about 30 min), hypnagogic scenes was surprising me
I suffered short losses of my physical balance And my head was going forward,(I had started without drowsiness)

What is your experience?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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