Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | My Dreams Almost Always Have A Few Gimmicks.

When I started improving my recall, I began to notice a strange and constant thing in my dreams. 85~ish percent of the dreams that I recall have some kind of video game UI, at some point, or occasionally with quicktime events even. Which is especially odd since I don't play games with quicktime events. I don't even play many games (anymore), aside from Pokemon Moon, which is great. However, this trend was there a good bit before it came out. Another trend, which only started recently, is that my dreams tend to happen on islands more and more. However, unlike the UI's, I know the reason for this (I recently started watching One Piece). Strangely enough, these are the only things that happen consistently in my dreams, and not one of the habits I've developed (good or bad (JK I don't have any good habits IWL)) has happened in my dreams. It's pretty cool to know that my dreams have these things consistently, and there's one thing that I want to know: how can I use this to start lucid dreaming consistently?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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