Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Prospective Memory Training

Hi everyone,

So I'm just starting up again and began reading EWOLD once more.
In regards to the part about prospective memory training as an exercise for MILD I have a question.

Do you keep hitting the targets throughout the day or only at the first instance they occur?

Here's an example from the book;
So, if your target is, “The next time I hear a
dog bark, “ when you hear this next, note it and do a state test. You are aiming to
notice the target once – the next time it happens.

The part were it says, the next time it happens confuses me a little. Do I notice it once during the day or do I perform a state check every time I notice it?

I'm guessing the latter is most effective if I want these triggers to carry over in my dream but am still curious if I'm missing something or not understanding correctly.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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