Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Help with Gravity RC while on computer

Hey guys I've been practicing Hukif's GRC and I have some difficulty maintaining it especially when I'm on the computer, phone, or reading books of sorts.

Basically any activity that is physically not so active, but mentally so.

It's easy when I'm physically moving, because the gravity and the focus of weight shifts constantly. And if you are physically or mentally inactive, like meditation or on bed, you can easily redirect your mind's focus. However, when you don't move very much and are on the computer, phone, or books, it's harder to discern it, and it's much easier to get distracted.

I think this also applies not only to GRC but also mindfulness/ADA practices too.

Did anyone overcome similar difficulties?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://bit.ly/2Z0bvLz

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