Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Losing the ability to lucid dream?

I used to be pretty good at lucid dreaming, but over time I seem to have lost it. At first I blamed the stress of losing a friend, then I blamed my depression which was actually the cause of losing the friend (I think he just decided I'm more trouble than I'm worth :crying:.), then I blamed the stress of losing my job and having a long search for another one... but by now I have accepted that my "friend" has turned his back, I have found a job and been secure in it for three years, and the only one of those things I blamed that still remains is my depression, which I'm getting treated for. So my question is why can't I have lucid dreams regularly? I had one last night, that was the first one I've had since forever. Has anyone had this difficulty and got through it? If you have, I'd really like to know how you did it. :huh2: TIA.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://bit.ly/2V6ieFn

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