Sunday, January 27, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Problems with keeping lucidity

Hey everyone,

Last night I had a dream that I was typing on a keyboard. All of the text was nonsense, so I decided to do a rc. I pressed my finger into my palm and it looked very weird. It was my first time dat I became lucid this way. Everything went very clear for a sec. but after that everything went black and it was like losing conscious. I had a falling sensation and woke up. I wan't even excited or anything, but I still wake up. It was like gettting sucked into blacknes, very weird. I've had some sort of lucid dreams before, but nothing clear like this. The previous times was more like dreaming of being lucid.

Now my question is, how could I prevent this?

Thanks in advance to everyone trying to help me!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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