Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Let's get my Hands on MILD! - 1 YEAR test


As I said in my post in the Introduction Zone, my main problem until now has been lack of consistency and changing techniques too frequently. That is now going to drastically change!

For 1 YEAR I'm going to concentrate on this personal Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream (MILD) version I feel very much drawn to. Even if I initially fail to see results, I'm going to keep working on it without giving up, until I master the art of becoming lucid in dreams.

- Presence/Self-Awareness practice with Hands trigger:
The goal is to eventually mantain permanent self-awareness. In order to achieve this, I'll use my Hands as a trigger to "wake up" when I'll inevitably come back to a non-lucid mindset: whenever I notice my hands during the day I'll come back to a lucid/self-aware mindset and try to mantain it for as long as possible. That will also train my Prospective Memory.
- MILD mantra, repeated occasionally throughout the day: "When I see my Hands, I remember that I'm dreaming."

Before Bed
- "Awareness watching Awareness" Meditation
This will reinforce the effects of my daytime Self-Awareness practice.
- MILD mantra coupled with Visualization of myself watching my hands and exploring a dream setting.

- Whenever I wake up (naturally during the night or with a 5 seconds alarm I put after 6 hours of sleep), I'll attempt to Keep Still and vividly Imagine my Hands (clapping or rubbing them).
- If I don't manage to enter directly the dream, I'll just reinforce the same MILD intention and get back to sleep.
- After my actual wake up alarm (usually after 7 hours), I'll recall any dreams I had writing them down in my Dream Journal (detailed for LDs and only key words for Non-LDs).

That's basically it! I'll consider myself consistent if I can mantain everyday the basic routine Self-Awareness+MILD, while trying to implement all of the steps most of the nights.
Every tip or critique is very welcome, I thank you in advance, but for 1 year I will not change the basic structure of it.

  • Books:
    Koyote The Blind - The Golden Flower
    Laberge, Stephen - Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
    Morley, Charlie - Dreams of Awakening
    Raduga, Michael - The Phase
    Vieira, Waldo - Projeciologia
    Waggoner, Robert - Gateway to the Inner Self
    Wallace, Alan - Dreaming Yourself Awake
    Wilson, Ian - You Are Dreaming
    Ziewe, Jurgen - Multi-Dimensional Man
    Ziewe, Jurgen - Vistas of Infinity

  • Articles/Posts:*
    ADA vs. Self Awareness [Internal vs. External] | Dreamviews
    All Day Awareness, A DILD Tutorial by KingYoshi | Dreamviews
    Daytime Self-Awareness Helps Lucid Dreaming at Night | Big Think
    Dutchraptor's Deild Guide - Become an Ld god - Dreamviews
    FryingMan's Unified Theory of Lucid Dreaming: Pay Attention, Reflect, Recall - Both Day and Night | Dreamviews
    Awareness and Presence | Gurdjieff (pdf)
    How to become a Lucid Master in 60 days or less | Reddit
    Lucid Dreaming Experience Magazine
    My Journey with Self Awareness and My Twist to It | Dreamviews
    My personal method of becoming lucid. If anyone is interested | Dreamviews
    Naiya's Simple MILD Technique | Dreamviews
    Night meditation: Why I no longer perform lucid dreaming techniques, and yet have more lucid dreams than ever | Reddit
    Prospective Memory and Lucid Dreaming | Dreamviews
    Sati: An Eastern Concept of Awareness | Dreamivews
    Sivason's Dream Yoga | Dreamviews

    *I can't post links as I'm a new user, but you can find them easily with a search engine.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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