Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | It works!! My most reliable lucid dreaming method

Hi! :) I'm back again after a long time. Been away from lucid dreaming for quite a while but recently decided I wanted to get back to it. After a long ass break from lucid dreaming, I have had a lucid within only a few days! This method (for me) is foolproof and produces hyper-realistic lucid dreams... Here's my method: (basically DEILD but with some specific details)

The Method:

1. Go to bed ideally before 12 and set an alarm for 5 hours ahead. Go to sleep with the intention to recall your dreams on waking.
2. Wake up to the alarm clock. Stay up for as long as your usual WBTB time would be (doesn't really matter, but not too long/short!).
3. Go to sleep with a strong intention that the next time you wake up, you'll stay completely still. As soon as you are exiting a dream, visualise yourself rolling out of bed, moving your arm, swimming, or any other physical activity. If there is movement - go with it. If not, relax and pretend to relax back into sleep. Often you'll find you'll begin the transition into a lucid dream (I experience WILD vibrations etc). If it's not working, I find that the relaxation part is key here, really feel yourself sinking into the pillow and you'll be surprised how quickly the transition begins. If nothing seems to be happening, go back to sleep and try again when you wake up next.
4. Repeat this for each time you wake up.

Some important points:

The main technique is essentially a DEILD, but I find it is really important to have high dream recall. This increases general dream awareness and it's then easier to catch the crucial moment of waking up from a dream.

- DEILD attempts can be exhausting (especially when they are unsuccessful!). Attempting this method every night can have a negative effect on motivation.
- This method is most effective for me if I have 4 nights of only dream recall (eg. Monday - Thursday with no lucid dreaming attempts at all) and then 2/3 nights of attempts (Friday - Sunday). This ensures that my dream recall is high, my expectation to lucid dream is higher on the days I do make an attempt and my motivation is not negatively effected.
Weirdly, if I completely ignore anything to do with lucid dreaming on my 'days off', it increases the likelihood of a successful lucid dream when I make the attempts on my 'on days'.

This method is ideal for catching false awakenings it also gives me hyper-realistic lucid dreams - to the extent that dream control is difficult for me, just because the dream environment is so realistic. Also, meditating with eyes open in a lucid dream really helps with stabilisation and increasing the realism.

Let me know what you think or if this method has worked for you!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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