Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreams without waking memory???

There is a little problem, I'm having. In recent months learned a lot of new techniques and have lot of lucid dreams:D I'm using mantra before fall asleep and combination of WBTB with SSILD or VILD,WILD in rare occasions(there are a little harder). For day work, I'm using "Here and Now Awareness" instead of RC to become one with the moment, I'm taking 3mg melatonin BTW.

So the problem is when have a LD, I can't access waking memory, neither my goal. They are not fake LD, I have fine control in them: can manipulate dream scenario, summon DC's, can fly and I know I'm dreaming. When try to remember my goal or waking memories, I'm getting a blank spot, so I'm just acting on my instincts(like I'm having an amnesia). Even from time to time I'm hearing a voice in my mind "Remember your goal", but I still can't remember. Hell recently even had a dream battle with DC's and while fight them, they try to make me remember "control yourself, remember who you are".

So what I'm doing wrong here?:armflap: Is this a side effect from SSILD?

BTW SSILD work wonders, having multiple LDs through the morning. :D

p.s. I have one more question, but in a new thread.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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