Saturday, January 19, 2019

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreaming while on Benzos???

This is different question, so I'm gonna put him in new thread.

Recently I started taking Benzos(klonopin 0.5mg per day) for Anxiety. I feel very sleepy at night and in morning which is good, but my techniques it seems doesn't work anymore, so I'm wondering why. Are benzos suppressing REM or intention memory(to have a LD), but I have a lot of vivid dream through the night so my REM must be okay. I even incorporate FILD and mantra-WILD, but to no avail. The moment I stop keeping my awareness, I fall asleep. I even try WILD just before sleep, but I'm getting strange result. I'm staying in my bed keeping my awareness(WILD or FILD) for like several minutes and then open my eyes to see am I dreaming, but room look absolutely the same(even the pain in my throat or noise of the fan heater), but when looked at the time on my phone a whole hour were passed and I'm getting also a bizarre sensation of my legs floating over my body. Did I'm trying to induce LD while dreaming, but when open my eyes again I'm in the real world again.

So how to proceed, any ideas?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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