Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Keep Waking After Becoming Lucid During Naps


I am an amateur Lucid Dreamer who began seriously trying to learn to lucid dream several years ago, and after losing motivation about a year in, recently started getting back into it. Lately I have been having mild success attaining lucidity by taking a 2-3 hour nap in the day, setting my alarm to go off about a half hour after falling asleep, and then going right back to sleep after my alarm wakes me up, almost like a shortened WBTB. The problem I've been having, however, is that I find when I become lucid I feel as though I am so close to being awake, that the mere act of attempting to stabilize the dream causes me to wake up. For instance, in my latest attempt ending about an hour ago, after going back to sleep after waking to my alarm, I ended up having a false awakening. After using my RCs to validate the fact that I was indeed still asleep and dreaming, I could almost feel in my dream that I was very close to being awake, and simply attempting to leave my bed inside my dream was enough to actually wake me up, so I went back to sleep, only for the exact same thing to happen two more times. I'd have a false awakening, realize I was still dreaming, then have a real awakening when I attempted to actually leave my bed within the dream, each time feeling as though I was close to waking up. Has anybody else experienced this phenomena before, or have any advice on how I may be able to keep myself from waking in these scenarios? Could the fact that I am sleeping and waking up in such short intervals explain why I am unable to remain asleep after becoming lucid? Any help anybody could offer would be greatly appreciated!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/2sk5kRw

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