Monday, May 8, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Aware in Nrem - What was this?

So after a 15 min WBTB last night, I settled into a MILD mindset with the hope that it could become a WILD. I lay on my back and repeated 'is this a dream' over and over ( as i usually do)

Anyway, after a short time i was aware that i was lightly snoring. I lay there completely aware that im snoring and therefore must be asleep. So im thinking that I have fallen consciously aware into non rem!

As i lay there i determined that if I am indeed consciously aware as my body is sleeping then my sleep cycle would soon transition to REM and a dream would encapulate me in the traditional WILD sense

So has anyone else had this awareness in Nrem? Also if i had not been snoring then I would have felt as though I was just lying there awake.

Thoughts :-)
Ezzo lucid

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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