Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Spinning woke me up

After a 15day recall dry spell.I woke up with this.I am walking down the street and realise that i am dreaming.Here is how.I always wear a ring on my index finger.From time to time during my waking life i unconciously use my thumb to feel the ring.In this dream i do this move with my thumb to feel the ring on my index without intention.But i cant feel it...its like i am feeling my skin.I am like what the hell!After that i look at my hand to check and i miss a finger.My pinky was no there.......The thing is the moment this happened the dream started to fade and i used the spinning technique and it did not work at all...Maybe i spinned to fast or too slow ? I mean does the way you spin matters?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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