Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Need help with stabilizing


Since I started practicing LD, I was very inconsistent in following fundamentals, but after coule of months I can now safely say that I can induce LD almost every night I want. When I do WBTB, meditate and go to sleep affirmating that I will hold onto my awareness, I succeed in having at least one LD in 80% of the time.

It sounds ideal, but the fact is that I haven´t had one single satisfying LD. Anytime I realized I am in a dream or I am about to enter a dream, i felt STRONG physical sensations, that always cast me back to normal waking state.

At first it was just simple excitement that interrupted my dream. I remember that my heart would go crazy and my eyes would open wide. I was not worried, not too much anyway: I knew from many sources this happens to a lot of begginers.

But now it has been months, and those physical sensations are no fun anymore. I can´t even get a good
look how it looks inside an LD (I can see there is a difference, but I never remain long enough). The things I feel when realizing it is a dream are getting worse. Now they are becoming physically painful. It is not like I am afraid of it, but... If I was told to describe how I imagine dying is like, I would think of this feelings first. It´s like my whole body is being repeatedly slammed on my bed while hearing high-pitched noise in my ears and experiencing strange feeling of losing myself.

That´s it, I hope someone will have a reasonable explanation why it is getting worse.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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