Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Riddle Me This

Hi. Forgive my spelling. I used to practice ssild which worked pretty consistently until I started to fall asleep way to fast or never at all. Yesterday I came across a technique by accident which has produced 5/6 vibration effects each day and 1 or 2 lucid dreams. Basically, I woke up, was very thirsty, and drank the first tasty thing I could find, which was a can of heavily caffinated matcha tea. Then I went back to bed. I wasn't wide awake, but I was pretty awake. This method reminds me a lot of ssild because of all the FA's it produces, but here's what happens every time. I dose off and a few minutes (I assume) later, Ill regain some awareness, but there is some sort of weird feeling going on which I recognize to be that in between state where there is some weird tingling vibrations, which happens more often when sleeping on my back. At that point I can't see anything other than that hypnogogia, which is really just flickers of green in the darkness that make shapes. What I usually try to do is increase the vibrations by imagining myself sinking, sliding or if I'm feeling daring, floating out. I'm not even sure if this is the way to go about this. If there is a better way, please tell me. But next comes trying to see. What happens next is Ill either have a random thought come to mind, and the vibrations will end and I try again (tea caffine lasts for about an hour or so), Ill be at the point where I think there are enough vibrations to try to open my eyes, in which case it is a 50/50 (FA's are common here). Or I will have actually "slid out" of bed somehow. In which case I know I am in a dream, which brings me to my next dilemma. Staying in it. Since I can sometimes get like, 4 of these in an hour with issomnia in between, I know that I couldn't have been asleep that long, so the dream is unstable. I associate the stability of my dreams with how much I can see. The more off my vision becomes, the more likely I will wake up. If someone has a method on actually being able to see well please post. Anyway, my intentional LD's always start in my room, or wherever it is I'm sleeping. I have never seen by body in bed though. Anyways, my first mission is to get out of the house. Maybe its just because its the beggining of the LD, but I feel so unstable, unable to move, and unable to see well while Im in the house, and I know I have less than about 45 sec to get out of the house or the LD will end. As soon as Im outside everything is better. Nowhere near perfect. But I can do simple things like fly. Although my ability to fly decreases the longer I stay lucid, and so does my lucidity at that point. I haven't been able to do much in lucids because I worry that trying too hard will snap me out of if.

Things that increase lucidity for me:
Flying, touching earth elements (grass, rocks, not concrete though, by brain is weird like that) asking for increased clarity.

Things that decrease lucidity: Running (fast) talking, looking at one thing too long, STAYING IN THE HOUSE.

How to stay in the vibrations,
How to see better,
Why everything seems detailed until you try hard to look at one thing
why my house makes me slow,

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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