Monday, March 7, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Masterhood, by Shannon Green

Dream Masterhood, by Shannon Green
In this document I have written advanced instructions on dreaming and a psychoanalysis of dreams. A student to dreams may learn how to dream from this document and become enlightened. This document, however, was intended for Intermediate and advanced dreamers.

Chapter 1: Dream-States
Dream-states are mental phenomena effected by physical stimuli, and in this chapter I will evaluate dream-states.

Contrary to modern scientific belief, dream-states and the chemicals which cause them are as significant as each other. The effect and the cause happen simultaneously and in harmony.

Dream-states are states of mind where the dreamer is taken from reality and into anew; an unreal procedure. The unreality of a dream is more commonly abstract in comparison to human nature; or uncommonly an abstraction of human nature.

Dream-states can be interpreted to have meaning, and may encompass inherent, symbolic meaning beyond the technicality of word-communication; they may be directly linked past or present stimuli- or you may interpret them as art. People of antiquity thought highly of dreams, and some believed that they were prophecies of future events. I, myself, believe that some dreams are the absolution of equations. From this wise analysis, three primary dream-states become clear.

The three primary dream-states are as follows: chronicle dreams, prophetical dreams and psychological dreams; each dream-state can be misinterpreted, or interpreted for aesthetic value only.

The three primary dream-states are a harmonious composition, but the end-result is, however, weighted to a single primary dream-state.

A chronicle dream-state, is the absolution of an equation of a dreamers defined memories, that causes the dreamer to wake and empathise with the certain memories. A prophetical dream-state, is the absolution of an equation of a dreamer's defined memories, that causes the dreamer to wake and be knowledgeable of a future event. A psychological dream-state, is the absolution of an equation of a dreamers defined memories, that causes the dreamer, to wake and be talented about a subject or subjects.

Dream-states are affected by past stimuli, which is why sometimes a dreamer wakes from a dream that, in content, is directly or indirectly linked to events that occurred the day prior; a link to chronicle dreams. The dream is a complex nature itself that composes the recent memories into a comprehensible state; a link to psychological dreams. We are sentient mammals with reasoning ability that allows us to form logical conclusions from memory; a link to prophetical dreams. The three primary dream-states are a logical conclusion, especially when compared with the data that has been recorded from dream-philosophers over the past few centuries.

Chapter 2: Secondary Dream-States and Dream-Grades
There are four secondary dream-states, and a hypothetical dream-grade spectrum. The four secondary dream-states are: normal, lucid, ritualistic and ongoing; and each secondary dream-state is of a certain quality between low, mediocre and high.

A normal dream-state is any one of the primary dream-states. There is no control over your experience of the dream- it is predetermined. You may upgrade a normal dream-state through manipulation techniques.

A lucid dream-state is a normal dream but you are able to control your experience. Metaphorically, you can choose the path you walk or change to a different path.

A ritualistic dream-state is a lucid dream where you perform a ritual, and this effectively downgrades the lucid dream to a normal dream but with effect of the ritual, often resulting in answers you want, waking bonuses like imaginary companions, and more.

An ongoing dream-state is a dream that continues from a prior dream either by reference or representation; it can be normal, lucid or ritualistic.

Normal Dream-State Upgrade Techniques

You can upgrade a normal dream by any of the following techniques:
  1. A sudden realization that you're dreaming mid-dream will cause lucidity.
  2. In nightmares, facing the fear directly will cause lucidity.

Ritual Techniques
There are many types of ritual that you can conduct; the following techniques are my own:
  1. 1. Create a hollow or space, and focus the dream energy into it. After, recite a speech into the hollow or space, or simply think of an image.
  2. 2. Stare into the eyes of a person in a lucid dream, and don't stop.

Each dream-state can be of a low, mediocre or high quality. There are dreams that you barely remember, dreams that you remember vividly, and between them are dreams partially remembered. Dream-grade is referring to a dreams quality. The memory isn't the only factor which attributes to dream-grade, but also the content. You may remember a dream but it was of low-quality content and intricacy, therefore you must study the memory with conviction.

Chapter 3: Interpreting Dreams
Dream interpretation happens upon waking from a dream and may make itself clear to the dreamer some time after. Dreams are personified, an experienced dream-state is impossible to describe scientifically. Further, the virtuous descriptions of dream-states are often too abstract to entertain a reader- there are exceptions. The interpretation of an experienced dream-state is personal, but the inherent meaning can bridge over impersonal horizons.

A dreamer may dream of 'flying in the sky above the clouds'. In this case, the flight, the clouds and the sky must be taken into account, as well as the whole activity. What does the sky mean, personally? To your present condition and thought-patterns? Which primary dream-state is it? There are many questions to ask, and answering them is how you begin to interpret dreams. The finalization of interpretation is when you've built a meaning that seems suitable. Dream-states correlate with the dreamers intelligence; a dream may depict a meaning that you are not to discover until years later- that you may first misinterpret- but usually, even that misinterpretation is a directive to attaining dream intelligence for to interpret it properly.

Interpreting dreams is a choice, but if you choose to interpret them, you'll enjoy yourself, it may lead to luck, and it'll help you to increase your knowledge on the subject. The more you know the more complex your dream-states become, and the easier time you'll have interpreting them.

Chapter 4: Wordless Knowledge
Wordless knowledge is pure knowledge untouched by words. The more wordless knowledge you have, the more colours on your dream-palate for to paint on the dream-canvass. Experience what there is to experience for the wordless knowledge only; experience kindness, experience evil, experience everything with conviction in effort to become wiser. If you are wise of, for example, evil, when you are met with evil in a dream, you will know how to react. If you must be evil in a dream, you'll understand the methodology to be the greatest evil. Wisdom comes through wordless knowledge and experience, and leads to good judgement.

Wordless knowledge is hypothetically and theoretically harmonious; you can say clouds are like- anything you want- accuracy is dependent on the context. Here's a few examples, 'a girl had hair like clouds', 'clouds are like empathy that travels far distances, for sometimes no reason', and a final example, 'clouds look like sheep, and the sky is their shepherd'. I have shown contextual metaphors, personal metaphors and impersonal metaphors. There is a language of nature; impersonal metaphors cover this language. Clouds are like empathy, clouds are a bit like sheep, and the girls hair was a bit like clouds. Natural language is, metaphorically, the coding to our humanity; we can be empathetic because of the clouds which played a major role in our evolution.

To understand this language, please refer to Quad Helix theory. As for contextual and personal metaphors, the more wordless knowledge you gain, the wiser you become- the more skilled you'll be at creating metaphors in context or personally.

On the other hand we have the theoretical side of wordless knowledge; this cannot be contrasted into word-communication, rather, knowledge is understood wordlessly. This process is called Quad Helix science, or wordless-science. A rain cloud's cause and it's effect happen simultaneously; focusing on one or the other voids this opposite integrity of cause and effect. The theoretical side is faith in wordless knowledge; having faith grants you a higher intelligence- increasing your awareness, visual memory and projections- increasing your enlightenment. This is covered in-depth in Quad Helix theory.

Metaphors help with interpreting symbolic meaning in dreams, and faith in wordless knowledge will help to stimulate symbolic meaning in dreams, allowing your dreams to evolve.

Chapter 5: How to, and How to Not Dream

Dreams cannot be forced, but there are methods a dreamer can take to manipulate the forces of which create dream-states.

Do not focus on the dream happening when you sleep, but learn to think back to dreaming as soon as you have awoken. Keeping in good health, physically, mentally and spiritually will make it more likely for a dream to occur. Sleeping multiple times in a day, or mediation, may or may not cause a dream-state. The premise is not to expect a dream every night or to be disheartened when you have woke and not dreamt, but to be in reception of dreams that happen sometimes- sometimes daily- sometimes annually but evidently sometimes.

If you want to have dreams more regularly, spend a whole day pondering on dreams, and remain in stable health. Think of it as a day orientated around a dream, where all experience is stimulation. When the time comes to go to sleep, be so tired as to not remember the thoughts you had about dreams, and lose yourself in the sensory experiences. There are other methods of pressure and release; ideally you don't want to be stressing about the dream, but instead subconsciously expecting a dream to happen. When you wake, if you have dreamt, acknowledge its nature, and think about its content until you feel as if you're satisfied. When you face each new day, do so with a dreamy sustenance.

Utilize the methods of people who do dream, and the information that's found in this document. Don't think that you're singled out.

Chapter 6: Rare Dreams, Visualizations and Hallucinations

As dreams are materialized by past stimuli, if we experience a rare phenomenon while awake, any dream we have may be affected by this memory- a rare dream can manifest. The rare dream can then be referred to in ongoing dreams, or manipulated to make it unique with lucidity techniques or through ritual. A passionate dreamer should pursue rare phenomenon in light of making his dreams greater.

Visualizations and hallucinations are good sources of rarity; these are directly affected by Dopamine; a chemical metabolism in the body. To increase the amount of Dopamine neurotransmitters, engage in activities that stress the mind, such as the projection of artistic images; which is essentially easy visualization. You can also engage in activities which are thrilling, such as parkour, love and hate based endeavours or prolonged mediation. The more Dopamine in your mental, the more complex visualizations you'll have, to the point where you may experience hallucinations- hallucinations that can be worked by visualization. For example, you may see a consistent image of a human, and if this is so, you may visualize around this imagery, or control the imagery.

If you want hallucinations try to be chaotic mentally; occupy yourself with spiritual acts that aren't logical and don't necessarily make sense. An example; when you look at light, and it leaves a coloured blur in your closed-eyes, move this blur around and draw with it. If you had drawn tears, perhaps what feels like a tear will fall down your face. The feeling can then evolve until you have a constant feeling of water running down your face. Another example; spend weeks believing you're communicating to someone, mind to mind.

The mind tries to make sense out of everything, even if that comfort is found through hallucinations or vivid dreams- this is the nature of chaos.

Look at diagrams of the spirit such as the Otz Chiim or the Quad Helix diagram; or create your own pseudo-science that makes sense to you, even if short-term. Act on your impulses, and do whatever you can to separate yourself from reality, and attune with the unreal. The possibilities are endless; you may find your personal experience of reality becoming more and more dreamy.

It is wise to keep the fact you're hallucinating to yourself, as it can make you a threat to yourself and others. Hallucinations are commonly associated with schizophrenia.

Quad Helix Theory:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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