Monday, November 28, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | The other MILD; Music Induced Lucid Dream

Spoiler for Pre info:

Im not sure how to adapt this to other people, I only know my own success so I'll talk about this. I study music and the technical aspects of it. I don't play an instrument but what I do do is sing. I also play a lot of rhythm games. In a game, there is a set of 10 songs played in a chapter. One of the sets of songs is an orchestral arrangement made from 4 songs already existing within the game. The 10 songs strung together Lasts around an hour but I only need to listen for around 8 minutes for this to work. The song can be found here:

What I know and how I use the technique:

When I wake up naturally in the night and move so I don't get an easy wbtb, I play a long song that I have memorized. I listen to it for around 8 minutes and turn it off but still play it in my head following how it goes. I then fall asleep rather easily following the song in my head when the song hits 12 minutes (11:48) there's a musical que in the song that I have trained myself to correlate to being in a lucid. When the song that I have been imagining as I fall asleep hits that point, it's been long enough that I would have already been asleep. Once it hits that part of the song, I become lucid due to the musical cue. It has a very VERY high success rate for me but I'm not sure how to teach others. If anyone would like to comment their thoughts and suggestions, that would be great!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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