Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | 3rd person lucidity problem

Hi there, im new to lucid dreaming. Im learning to lucid for a month or two now, i know its not a lot but i keep having the same problem.

I come lucid a lot of times in dreams, in fact its like every second or third dream that i remember... but the problem is that i cant do anything about it...
All my dreams (at least those that i remember) are from a 3rd person prespective... and its not just the view, but i have no control over the second ,,me" in dreams... its like there is 2 of me...
Me as in me that knows he is lucid, and me in the dream...
So even if i come lucid i cant control the ,,me " in my dream even if i want to.
And i have absolutely no control over the dream. The second me goes through the dream like any other dreams.
So my question is, will it be a problem? Will i learn to control dreams even through third person or is there a way to switch to 1st person :D?

And another question... sometimes i realise that its probably a dream but im not sure... but i always forget about reality checks... i just wake up and give myself a facepalm.
So if i do reality checks will i remember to do them in dreams?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/2f7OLoW

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