Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Sharing Lucid Schedules

Hi fellow Oneironauts,

Even though everyone is different and to each his own as for how they conduct their WBTB times and WILD methods, I just wanted to start a thread about how you go about achieving a lucid! I would love to share my schedule as I have already have 2 lucid dreams this week! :D

22:15 Quick meditation before bed (Take 3mg of melatonin)
22:45 Think of what I want to achieve tonight, how I will go about stabilization, and what kind of dream I want (Visualize it)
23:00 Fall asleep
4:30 Wake up (I would take my Lucidimine pill now along with 900mg of Valerian Root)
4:30 Go to the bathroom, then sit in my desk chair to read a book
5:00 Get back in bed and refresh what I want to achieve tonight
5:10 Start relaxation breathing techniques, MILD mantras, and listen to
5:15 Start SSILD or FILD
5:30 Lucid dream? :wink:

I just thought it would be cool to have a thread dedicated to schedules since I know many beginners have no idea how to go about timing and such. I know specific schedules don't work for everyone, but I bet it'd be nice for beginners to have at least an idea of how to structure their WBTB/WILDS. If you have a schedule you would like to share, go for it, I'd love to read them!

Have fun dreaming!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Demystifying Amateur Radio Callsigns

10 URGENT Preps You Need to Do ASAP

by Karen

We should always be prepared for what might happen, but where do you begin? As I write this, the 2016 US election is a week away and tensions with Russia are greater than they have been since the Cold War and growing. Where does this leave you? Are you prepared?

What if you are just starting out with prepping? What if you have been prepping for a while, but don’t know whether you have the most important preps? What if you were handed $200 or $300 to go out and get what you need now? Here are 15 urgent preps you need to do now to be ready for what comes.

  1. Water

Do you have enough water? For how long? Weeks? Months? You need to determine how much water you need for each person for an absolute minimum of two weeks. Fortunately, water is fairly cheap. In fact, you can even go to Walmart and buy four or five 5-gallon water jugs and fill them with tap water to increase your supply.

  1. Rice

Food is the first thing anyone thinks about when they think of prepping, but what food? You need foods that are inexpensive, that you can buy in bulk, and that is nutritious and will store for the long-term. Rice is perfect. You can grab a 20-pound bag for a decent price and store it away. Most people get white rice, which has a longer shelf-life, but brown rice is more nutritious, so you need to decide what works best for you.

  1. Beans

Just like rice, dried beans are an ideal food to store away for hard times. They have an incredibly long shelf-life and provide you with protein and other important nutrients. You can get 5-pound bags of various types of beans, whatever you fancy. There are pinto beans, navy beans, kidney beans, chick peas, and so many other types. Other types of dried foods are good, too, such as oats and wheat and corn flour.

  1. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is such a great prepper food. There are 6,000 calories in a large jar of peanut butter and it has a shelf-life of two years. But since it’s a staple in many households, it is easy to rotate your stock of peanut butter and always have it on hand for emergencies. Get at least two 40-ounce jars.

  1. Honey

Honey is another must. In fact, it is the perfect prepper food because it has an indefinite shelf-life. Honey will not go bad—ever! Plus, it has so many benefits, including:

  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Nutrition
  • Sweetener
  • Aids the healing of burns and wounds
  • Acts as a probiotic
  • Improves the immune system
  • Decreases inflammation in the throat

Honey is a miracle substance that will be welcome when the world goes sideways.

  1. Salt

Who can live without salt, especially if you are eating a lot of rice and beans? But salt is so much more than just a seasoning; it also preserves food, replaces sodium the body loses through sweating, helps heal wounds, and can repel pests such as ants. It also acts as a great barter item if you get the opportunity to trade with others. Pick up one or two 5-pound bags and maybe some smaller amounts for trading.

  1. Vitamins

After the SHTF, you need to stay as strong and healthy as you can and your diet is not always going to be ideal (heck, it probably isn’t now for many of us). Having a good quality multivitamin is critical to help you get the level of nutrients your body needs. Plus, a couple of bottles of vitamins are easy to carry around, even if you have to stuff them in your BOB, which you should.

  1. Seeds

Sure, you have your preps that you are tucking away for the first weeks and months of a SHTF event, but what about when all your food runs out? What about when you survive past a year and need to start looking at other ways to feed yourself? Seeds are small, light, inexpensive, and can keep you alive in the long-term. They are invaluable and you should stock up on a few different types.

  1. Fire Starter

You need at least one method of starting a fire. Getting yourself a good fire starter kit is critical for your survival. With fire you can stay warm, cook your food, and boil water to purify it, all of which will literally keep you alive. This might be a magnesium fire starter or a ferro rod, so choose what works best for you.

  1. Radio

Information is your new best friend once the SHTF. If you know what is going on in the world, in your city, and in your neighborhood, you will be far better able to deal with it and survive. A radio that will work without electricity, either a hand-crank radio or a solar power radio, is critical.

  1. Walkie-Talkies

Let’s face it, when the SHTF, there is a good chance cell phones won’t work. Do you have a backup? Communication is critical during any disaster, whether it is short- or long-term, and you need to be prepared with a method of communicating with the other members of your group.

Ham radios are pricey, but it is easy and inexpensive to pick up a high-quality set of walkie talkies. Add some Sharpies and a system of symbols and pre-planned message locations and you have a backup form of communication that works when you are on the move.

  1. LED Flashlight

You absolutely need at least one flashlight for each member of your group. It helps you see in the dark and can be used to deter animals and attackers and signal for help. You can also set up a system of signals to use in your group, providing you with a backup communication system. Plus, having a source of light just makes us feel better when we are scared.

  1. Weapon & Ammo

You need some sort of defensive weapon. You have your loved ones to protect, which means also protecting the food, water, and supplies you have gathered. A gun is the best thing to have on hand. You should purchase a gun and the ammo to go with it, although if you don’t have your firearms license, no one will sell you one. You can also purchase a crossbow or another form of projectile weapon. They aren’t as practical as a gun, but they don’t require a license, either. Ideally, you should get your firearms license as soon as you are able to do so.

  1. Physical Preparedness

Get yourself in good physical shape! Like I said above, people think so much about the things they need to prep, the items they need to stock away so they have enough, but often little thought is given to your own physical ability to deal with the shock of what comes after the SHTF.

When an event happens, you will be under a lot of emotional, mental, and physical stress. You will get less sleep and will have a lot more physical exertion. You will possibly have less food to eat and what you eat won’t be what you have been used to. Even if you have a full stock of familiar foods for a few weeks or months, it will run out and you may need to ration at some point.

Get plenty of exercise—now! Build your endurance and muscle mass—now! If you aren’t currently in good physical shape, then start slowly, perhaps by walking every day, but start a regimen of exercise that will ensure you have the physical strength and endurance to handle what will come.

When it comes to eating, you are literally what you eat, so be sure to eat well. You should also simplify your meals. Once things go sideways in the world, you will be eating more simple foods and meals. Foraged greens, some meat or fish you have caught, perhaps with rice you have tucked away. Do you have to give up all your favorite foods? No, but adjusting your diet now to get used to eating these types of simpler meals will make the transition easier later on.

  1. Mental Preparedness

Your survival in any SHTF situation is going to be largely a mental game. The stress of the situation, of always having to think five steps ahead and how you are going to take care of everyone, will take its toll. It’s that simple.

The people who will survive will be the people who have the mental capacity to not only refrain from panicking, but to stay positive. You will need to keep your emotions under control, think clearly, and do what needs to be done.

You can train your mind through meditation, relaxation techniques, mental exercises, and even a rigorous physical training program that will push your mental limits, as well as your physical limits. Plus, just being as prepared as possible in all of the ways listed above will help alleviate fear and stress when disaster strikes.

via Modern Survival Online

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump, Obama and Martial Law

by Isabella

Throughout Obama’s presidency, and particularly since 2012, there have been rumors that he would declare Martial Law in the United States, for one reason or another.

The most commonly considered possible motivation in doing so is to remain in office, and thus further his assault on the American Constitution and rule of law.  Now that the 2016 presidential election results have shown the clear winner to be Donald Trump, who Obama campaigned against as he promoted the ailing (figuratively and literally) Clinton, talks of his possible declaration of martial law in America are on the rise again.

But what most people who ask whether or not an American president can declare martial law, or confidently assert that he will, don’t realize is that there is a hidden and crucial presumption to asking the question “will Obama declare martial law?”  We’ll expose this hidden presumption in time, but let’s first take a look at what martial law is.

According to (not that I steadfastly trust Wikipedia, but to show that I did not create my definition of martial law to suit my thesis in this article), martial law can be describe in such ways as “the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.”.

It goes on to state that martial law typical accompanies “the suspension of civil law, civil rights, and habeas corpus; and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal…”

What you don’t see in the definition are any dramatic, Hollywood-like specifics such as tanks on the streets, sporting stadiums being converted to detention centers, or public executions of descendants.  Many people have a thoroughly dramatized view of what martial law is.  This artificial perception will have them looking for, and possibly preparing for something that in all likelihood would never occur if the president did in fact declare martial law.

You might have a hard time convincing someone of this if they’re already fully convinced that Obama is on the brink of turning our country into a military police state at the drop of the hat.  Instead of listening to what martial law is, they will likely start telling you all of the ways that Obama could “pull it off”.  While we still haven’t gotten to the heart of the matter, these potential strategies as to how an American president could “pull off” instating martial law are worth taking a look.

All theoretical martial law strategies involve some sort of conflict or emergency.  They can be broken down into two main categories, legitimate, and artificial.  Legitimate threats that could be considered possible justifications for a declaration of martial law include such events as terrorist attacks, economic collapse, or some sort of apocalyptic natural disaster (this could be anything from disease pandemic to a meteor strike).

Given the overwhelming odds that a terrorist attacking America would have a religious affiliation that would be inconvenient to the left’s narrative (Obama did, after all, call the San Bernardino shooting “work place violence” and not Islamic terrorism), I assert that it would be unlikely that Obama would want to take advantage of a legitimate terrorist attack to justify martial law.  That would only draw attention to the burka-clad elephant in the room that the left would prefer not to talk about.

With markets on the rise after the “Trump rally”, it’s also unlikely that there will be any legitimate economic crisis that he could conceivably use to justify martial law between now and inauguration day.  It seems he missed his chance with Ebola, though his administration seemed to do as little as possible to stop it from spreading on American soil, so a legitimate threat is unlikely to be the cause of an Obama order for martial law.

That leaves only artificial causes, and this is where most theorists look.  Obama has already proposed controversial legislation that would limit the rights of Americans after dubious incidents.  After the Sandy Hook shooting, while wiping away tears that HD cameras couldn’t detect, he proposed restricting gun rights for law-abiding Americans.  Members of his administration have spoken recklessly of war with Russia over vote tampering, which they would love to have evidence of right about now.  And there is always the unknown false-flag terrorist attack that could be launched between now and inauguration that could be used as justification for a declaration of martial law.

But is any of this necessary?  Does Obama need to hope for a mega-tsunami to strike, or pay Kraft International operatives to pose as white supremacist Trump supporters shooting up the streets of America?  To think that he needs any of these incidents is to presume a lot.  Let’s look at what I called the hidden presumption in the original question, “will Obama declare martial law?”.

To ask IF Obama WILL declare martial law requires that one presume he hasn’t already done so.  When asked the question “has Obama declared martial law?” most people would say no.  This is because they haven’t been told by CNN or by Fox News that he made any such declaration, and because they haven’t seen any tanks in the streets or public executions that they associate with martial law in their minds.

That’s why I started with a description of martial law, so that we would have a some-what accurate idea of what to look for when determining whether or not Obama already has declared martial law, which I will say that he has, and I think you will too when you see my evidence for this.

Let’s look at the first part of the above description of martial law.  It begins describing martial law by saying it is “the imposition of the highest-ranking military officer as the military governor or as the head of the government, thus removing all power from the previous executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.”.

The president is the highest-ranking military officer, so we do not need a military coup d’état for this to take place in America (that would require the military service men actually backing the president), all we need is for the president to “impose” his rule in a way that nullifies or usurps that other branches of government.

Has Obama done this?  I would certainly argue that he has at the very least attempted to do this with his excessive and restrictive executive orders.  It’s not that he has issued more orders, it’s that, as John Hudak of the Brookings Institute said, “not all executive orders are created equal, some are quite forceful, making dramatic changes to policy. Others are more routine, housekeeping issues.”

What sort of executive orders was Obama making?  According to the Mercatus Institute, a study that looked specifically for legally-binding and restrictive words or phrases found that Obama issued more such orders than any of the last six administrations except the first Clinton administration. Obama has attempted, but mostly failed, to use his “pen and phone” to push his leftist agendas into American law on gun control and illegal immigration.  But this alone isn’t enough to convince anyone, including myself, that Obama has declared martial law.  Let’s look at more of the above description of martial law.

the suspension of civil law, civil rights, and habeas corpus; and the application or extension of military law or military justice to civilians. Civilians defying martial law may be subjected to military tribunal…”.  On Dec, 31 2011 Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.

The controversy over this began almost immediately and understandably centered around, but was not limited to, section 1021.  This section included “authorizing the indefinite military detention of persons the government suspects of involvement in terrorism”, this includes American citizens, but conveniently leaves open the possibility of foreigners anywhere on the planet.  This isn’t only the view of Alex Jones’ Info Wars, but organizations such as the ACLU which nearly always aligns itself with the democrats.

This is on a completely different, and horrifying level than using legally restrictive words in executive orders that will be ruled illegal by the Supreme Court or easily undone by the next president, as Trump has repeatedly said he will, “on day one”.  Obama made the right to trial by a jury of your peers a privilege, and not a right, if you are accused of the serious, yet vague crime of being suspected of “involvement in terrorism”.

Think on that for a minute: if you are an American, or even if you aren’t, the US military can forcibly detain you in military custody for the rest of your life without so much as charging you with a crime and without allowing you any legal representation or recourse.

Every president issues executive orders that his critics say are illegal, and imprisonment in military custody without trial for the rest of one’s life sounds a lot like martial law, but surely he isn’t publicly executing people…right?

Well, that depends on how you define “public” and “execute”.  But I don’t think it’s being too loose with those words to apply them to the admitted extrajudicial murder of Americans abroad via drone strike.  Obama did just that on Sept 30, 2011 when he ordered a drone strike in Yemen which killed American citizens Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan.

Let me be clear and say that both of these men were more than likely terrorists, but that’s of course what you would do to soften the appearance of making yourself judge, jury, and executioner.  If he had chosen a victim that was less clearly a terrorist it would have been all too obvious that we were no longer living in a civilized society of law and order.

So when you pose the question of whether or not Obama or any other Commander-in-Chief will declare martial law is, he already has, and most people didn’t even notice it.

I would argue that for Americans, and for the world, the more important question now (despite Jill Stein’s recount) is whether or not Trump will do anything to reverse the effects of what Obama has done to destroy the rule of law.  To many Trump supporters, this question borders on blasphemy.  But as a Trump voter myself, I’m not feeling as reassured as I’d like to be.

President-elect Donald Trump has not yet named his nominee for secretary of Department of Homeland Security, but Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke’s name is being floated around for the position.  With the rise of race-based, unsubstantiated accusations against police officers, anti-police rhetoric, and violent crime targeting law enforcement, I have found Sheriff Clarke’s commentary refreshing.  He puts race-baiters on CNN in their place and silences (as much as it is possible) BLM representatives at a time when dissenting voices are dismissively labeled as racist.

However, I was more than a little disappointed when I read online that in an upcoming memoir Clarke stated that he believes American authorities should treat American citizens suspected of being terrorists as “enemy combatants” who can be questioned without an attorney, arrested by authorities and held indefinitely.  That sort of thing coming from someone who has sworn to uphold the United States constitution is more than disconcerting.  In fact, it’s terrifying.  If the “law-and-order candidate” and elected law enforcement officers, have so little respect for the rule of law, then what do we have to look forward to?

I can’t help but to feel that we have dodged a bullet by preventing Clinton from entering the White House.  But my relief is starting to wane.  Having a president who feels entitled to treat me like a criminal is, unfortunately, not something that is new to me, having just lived through the Obama years.

What really concerns me that so few of the people who would eagerly listen to me rant about the evils of the Obama administration care to listen me when I am trying to point out the similarities that can already be found in president-elect Donald Trump, and those he keeps close to him.

Only time will tell.

via Modern Survival Online

Monday, November 28, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | The other MILD; Music Induced Lucid Dream

Spoiler for Pre info:

Im not sure how to adapt this to other people, I only know my own success so I'll talk about this. I study music and the technical aspects of it. I don't play an instrument but what I do do is sing. I also play a lot of rhythm games. In a game, there is a set of 10 songs played in a chapter. One of the sets of songs is an orchestral arrangement made from 4 songs already existing within the game. The 10 songs strung together Lasts around an hour but I only need to listen for around 8 minutes for this to work. The song can be found here:

What I know and how I use the technique:

When I wake up naturally in the night and move so I don't get an easy wbtb, I play a long song that I have memorized. I listen to it for around 8 minutes and turn it off but still play it in my head following how it goes. I then fall asleep rather easily following the song in my head when the song hits 12 minutes (11:48) there's a musical que in the song that I have trained myself to correlate to being in a lucid. When the song that I have been imagining as I fall asleep hits that point, it's been long enough that I would have already been asleep. Once it hits that part of the song, I become lucid due to the musical cue. It has a very VERY high success rate for me but I'm not sure how to teach others. If anyone would like to comment their thoughts and suggestions, that would be great!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Freedom – How to Escape Handcuffs

by Ryan

We have all seen it in the movies… the hero has been captured and picks his handcuffs to escape. I recall a time from my youth when I found myself in handcuffs and pulled a staple from a cork board to try and pick the lock. It did not work.

Needless to say this is a skill that takes some practice. Unlike the movies, you cannot just grab a hair pin and pop open your cuffs. The good news is that this is a challenge you can handle. Once you understand how the lock works, you should be able to consistently free yourself.

Also, if cuffed behind your back you should always be able to sit down on the ground and move your bindings to the front. This is the easiest way to break free.

Caution: Never practice picking handcuffs without having two keys within reach. Also, never tighten them down to the point that they cut off the circulation to your hands. You do not know how long it will take you to get your hands free.

Make Your Own Key

When you see people using a piece of wire or a paperclip to pick the lock, they are essentially creating a makeshift key. A paperclip is the perfect thickness to accomplish this as the metal needs to be thick enough to hold its shape.

Step 1) Straighten out your paperclip or thick wire

Step 2) Insert the end of the wire into the keyhole and bend it to the side.

Step 3) Insert it further and bend it back the opposite direction so you create a zigzag in your metal.

Step 4) Twist the metal just like you would with a key. Be patient. You may have to wiggle it a bit or twist in the other direction to get the cuffs to pop free.

Step 5) Remember to hold onto your key to free your other hand. You would not be the first person to make the mistake of discarding it too quickly.

Some handcuffs are double-lock models. This means that they have to be released in two different directions before the cuffs can be released. The only difference with this is that your key needs to be twisted in both direction before you will feel them click loose. It should still be fairly easy to escape from this type of model.

Make a Shim

A shim is simply a thin piece of flat metal that is used as a barrier between the teeth of the cuffs. A good shim must be flexible and should be no thicker than a credit card. The metal clip from an ink pen can work, but my favorite shim is made from cutting a square out of the side of an aluminum can..

Step 1) Insert your shim into the opening where the teeth slide into the rest of the cuff. You want your shim centered on the teeth with any excess metal wrapping around the sides.

Step 2) Wiggle and push the metal in as far as it will go without pushing so hard that you bend the metal. It is important that your shim stays flat.

Step 3) Simultaneously apply pressure to the shim and tighten the cuff by one tooth. You should be able to feel and hear it click in place. If you do this right, the mechanism will drop on the shim instead of the tooth.

Step 4) Push and wiggle on the shim being sure not to let it back out of the mechanism. The cuffs should come free.

Escaping From Alternative Handcuffs

Anymore many captives find themselves being bound by something almost as convenient and strong as handcuffs, but much less expensive. Zip ties and duct tape are two examples that are commonly used. The key to escaping either of these bindings is outward pressure.

Duct Tape

Step 1) Raise your hands as high as you can being careful not to let the edge of the duct tape roll. You do not want to wiggle your hands back and forth as it will turn the tape into more of a rope. This makes it stronger. The weak point is the exposed edge.

Step 2) Practice a downward motion striking yourself and ripping your hands apart. You will only get one shot at this so you have to get it right. If your hands are bound in the front, bring your hands down across your chest or belly. If they are bound behind your back, bring them down on your butt or move them to the front. When practicing, do not actually make contact.

Step 3) When ready, raise your hands and bring them down as fast as you can. Strike your body hard and rip outward when you make contact. If done correctly, this should rip the tape breaking your hands free.

Zip Ties

Step 1) Move the square plastic lock on the zip tie to be centered between your hands.

Step 2) Tighten the zip tie as tight as you can get it.

Step 3) Unlike duct tape, you do not have to worry about rolling the edges and making the binding stronger. However, thick zip ties may have to be weakened by rubbing them on a sharp surface. You can find the edge of a table or door to get the process started. Try to focus on the plastic lock holding the zip tie together.

Step 4) Just like with the duct tape, you will raise your hands as high as possible and bring them down swiftly striking your body. When you make contact you will rip outwards popping the lock on the zip tie.

Note: This works even if one zip tie is used for each hand or if a third is used in between. You can also use a shim to break the zip tie lock free, but it has to be narrow enough to fit inside the plastic square.

Saw Method

I always replace my boot laces with 550 paracord, and this is one of its best uses. If you are having trouble getting out of zip ties or duct tape, you can saw your way through. To do this you need to pull one lace out of your boot and tie a loop on each end. Put a loop over one foot, drape the cordage over the bindings, and then put the other loop over the other foot. Then just saw back and forth with your feet until the friction breaks through the bindings.

Want to Cheat?

If you want to be sure you can get out of your handcuffs, there are several products you can buy to help you. I like to have a lock pick kit with me as much as possible so I can get through any lock. It includes a shim and a handcuff key, so it has all my bases covered.

You can also buy some spy level gear to help you get free. There are pieces of jewelry like pendants and rings that have shims or handcuff keys built in. Most people would never think to look that closely at these items. There are also boot laces that you can buy that have a hidden handcuff key in the tip.

Want to Practice?

There are several ways that you can practice these techniques. The least expensive and easiest way to test your skills is to start with duct tape and zip ties. This is a lot of fun, and it’s easy to get the whole family involved.

When it comes time to move on to handcuffs, a normal set is fine. However, it may require several attempt with a helpful assistant to get you free. The easier way to learn is to get a see-through set of cuffs so you can see that movement in the mechanism. Handcuffs are quite simple and seeing the movement is very helpful during the learning process.

Once you master handcuffs, you may want to get a lock pick set along with a see-through padlock so you can further your skills. When SHTF, having the ability to get through almost any lock or door will be very helpful and could save your life.

I would be remiss if I did not give some advice about escaping from handcuffs. Getting out of your cuffs when in police custody is a good way to get shot. In addition COPS get you into the back seat of their car as quickly as possible, so getting the cuffs to the front is very difficult. I would only ever remove police cuffs if you feel that your life is in danger.

In hostage situations, this can be just as dangerous. Remember that trying to escape from a captor is the most dangerous move you can make. I would only suggest freeing yourself to escape if you know for sure that you can break free or if you know for sure that your captor is going to kill you. If there is any question, wait it out to see if your situation changes. If nothing else, this is a fun party trick to show your friends.

via Modern Survival Online

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Are RC's really needed?

Hey guys, so I was wondering if reality checks are really necessary to lucid dream. Personally I always forget to do them and I just can't make a habit of doing them. In every single lucid dream experience I've ever read something made the dreamer realise that it's a dream, like seeing some friend who actually lives on the other side of the planet or a dream character directly telling them they are in a dream. In all the stories they realise they are dreaming first and they do the RC to make sure it's a dream. They don't become lucid because of a reality check. So that's why I'm asking if RC's are really necessary?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Can Prospective memory be used with videogames?

I'm a teenager so I have a lot of free time just sitting around playing videogames and I've always played videogames since I was a kid. As a result, most of my dreams are within a videogame, involve me playing a videogame, take place in a videogame world,or involve me playing the game without being aware of my dream body playing the game. It's a little tough for me to spot things that are out of place or unrealistic because it's a videogame, of course it's unrealistic!

As the title suggests, I was wondering if practicing prospective memory in videogames is a viable method of practicing prospective memory.
How do I do it? Basically I choose 3 elements from within the game to do a reality check and question reality whenever that element occurs (ex. "Stealing a car", "Seeing a specific building type", etc...). I have practiced prospective memory with things in real life because despite my abundance of videogame playing, I do actually go outside.

Is this a good way to practice prospective memory? Is there any LD induction method that goes well with the nature of my dreams? Any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

FEMA – How Bad Will It Get?

by Ryan

As a survivalist and prepper I pride myself on being prepared for any situation and on staying current with the news that affects those situations. I have prepared for natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, tornados, and volcano eruptions. I have also prepared for civil unrest, foreign invasion, nuclear attack, and pandemics. However, with many of these survival scenarios the real danger comes afterwards.

In any situation where the population cannot support itself without government aid, martial law could be implemented. The defining aspect of martial law is that your rights as a US citizen mean nothing. The government is authorized to do whatever is needed to keep the peace and control the situation. FEMA is one of the agencies given the authority to act during martial law. FEMA was created to help people survive disasters, and they could do some good. However, any organization having unconditional control over a population is very dangerous.

Recent events indicate that this possibility may be a reality in the near future. FEMA refugee camps have been set up all over the country and stocked with millions of dollars of food, water, and medical supplies. Sounds great, right? The government would have you think that these camps were set up to support refugees from the Middle East. However, they have been designed to support about 5 million people. With the US only taking in about 15,000 refugees, it is obvious that these camps have been built for something much larger.

There have also been reports of the purchase and transport of large numbers of military vehicles, specifically armored cars and tanks. Huge amounts of hollow point ammunition have been purchased. In addition, cadaver incinerators and containers have been built and installed at these camps. Drills have been conducted to test FEMA’s response efficiency, their alert system, and the reactions of the American public. FEMA is preparing for something big.

So what action will FEMA take if given the opportunity? It is hard to say what they will do, but we can say what they have the means to do. Their first goal would be to control as much of the population as possible. This may start with a curfew or check points going in and out of major cities.

FEMA has a limited number of soldiers, so they will take any action they can to efficiently control citizens. Initially they will take volunteers to these camps as some people will trust the government. Whatever disaster we are facing, some people will be scared enough to uproot their families and ask for help. In the event of flooding or structural damage, people in certain areas would be asked to leave for their own safety.

The next step that could be taken would be to forcibly round up citizens and bus them to these camps. To do this transportation would be shut down with roadblocks on any bridges or highways entering and leaving major cities. Having limited forces, FEMA would target only the largest cities such as New York and Los Angeles. They would also focus on cities where firearms are illegal like in Chicago. This would allow FEMA to safely control a very large number of people and move them to the camps.

To help along the process, they would likely shut down supplies to the city. Trucks would not be allowed in or out, so that means shipments of food, water, fuel, and medical supplies would be halted. The shelves of the grocery stores and gas stations would be picked clean within hours. The sale of guns and ammunition would be halted, and guns would be seized as often as possible.

In cities where firearms are legal, they pose a huge threat for the troops working with FEMA to round up citizens. Fortunately for them, most firearms purchased in the last decade are registered with the government. This means that armed troops may initially go door-to-door with that list collecting firearms. Then when they are ready for the round-up there will be much less risk of injury.

Utilities would also be shut down to control the population. Water, gas, and electricity would be turned off essentially giving the people a maximum of three days before they would need aid. At that point most citizens would volunteer to leave just to avoid dying from dehydration or exposure. In a city like New York, FEMA would have control of 8 million people in 72 hours. Only about 1% of the population have the skills needed to survive without utilities, and most of those people do not live in large cities.

Financial institutions would be shut down immediately rendering cash near worthless. Credit cards would no longer be valid, so the supplies you have on hand are likely all you will get. With the flip of a switch, the government can shut down your debit and credit cards forcing you to rely on FEMA for essentials such as food, water, fuel, and medical supplies.

Of course, part of effectively controlling a population is controlling the media. Television, cell phones, radio, and the internet would either be manipulated or shut down entirely to prevent a panic. For most people, the only information they will get regarding their situation would be fed to them by the government. Only those that use alternative forms of communication such as HAM radio would have access to legitimate information.

The good news is that these camps can only hold about 2% of the US population, so most people will be unaffected. In a recent survey it was shown that 94% of the US population lives on 5% of the land. Because of the limited staff and resources of FEMA, they will be forced to focus on that 5%. That means to stay safe you just have to make it outside of the most densely populated cities before SHTF.

The rounding-up process is a little scary, especially when you remember all that ammo that FEMA purchased. They would not spend all that money unless they intended to fire those rounds. Once the local police is overrun, gang violence could be out of control. Any troops used to round up citizens would likely be trigger-happy.

However, the really frightening idea is what they could do to people in these camps. Once these people are confined and are relying on FEMA for their next meal, it would be easy to create a prisoner labor force. They could also force refugees to pick up a gun and help round up more citizens. FEMA could greatly increase their numbers this way.

The worst scenario would play out if they decide to use the cadaver incinerators that have been installed. All FEMA would need to do is claim that a disease is spreading through the population, and they would have an open pass to kill anybody they wanted to. There is evidence that this may have taken place during WWII in the Japanese internment camps. There are plenty of times in History when a country has allowed mass extermination in the name of public safety.

The FEMA discussion is not black and white. They may take full advantage or they may do the right thing, but chances are their actions would fall somewhere in the middle. Some troops will blindly follow orders while others will fight to help people. The only way to be sure that you and your family are safe is to avoid the camps altogether. Once you are in a camp, it is too late to do anything about it.

The best way to accomplish this is to stay out of major cities. This is a good idea for several survival reasons, but it is especially important to survive martial law. Cities like New York will become death traps. With it being an island, there are only 16 points that require an armed roadblock and the city is locked down. As people get desperate, violence and looting will spill into the streets. Even prepared survivalists would be in grave danger if they got trapped in the city.

Now that you have an idea of what may happen, do not wait to take action. It is just a matter of time before some version of martial law is implemented, and it will not be the first time it has happened in the US. By the time you hear that FEMA is locking down your city, it will already be too late. The road blocks will be in place and communication will be cut off. Be smart about it and remember that the danger is not who has control over you, but simply that they have control over you.

via Modern Survival Online

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Setting Things Straight on Racism

by Timothy


“a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”

You may be wondering why I began this article with Webster’s definition of racism. To be honest, when I looked it up, I wasn’t certain what it would say. Like most of you, I’ve heard the term so much lately that I’ve nearly forgotten what the actual definition of the word is. I was quite surprised to discover how narrow the definitions is.

The left is clearly the source of this confusion, though. They not only change the meanings of words to fit into their narratives of progressive change but they also they also change it so that its use will fit anyone with whom they disagree. This is not an accident and, I believe, it is done by design.

Just like history itself, in the liberal world, definitions are “flexible”. That should come as no surprise since we are talking about a group of people who believe that the Constitution of the United States is likewise “flexible”. Given that this is the case, why should Merriam-Webster have any special protections?

History, like common sense, is an ‘MFer’, as my Drill Sergeant used to say. History cannot be rewritten, only forgotten. Let’s remember a few of these facts from a time that was not so very long ago in the eyes of history. As much as the left would like you to forget it, they truly are the party of segregation, discrimination, and racism.

It was the Democratic Party that began the civil war in an attempt to maintain slavery and it was the first Republican President that made slavery go away. It was the Democratic Party that fought to keep schools segregated in the south in the 1960’s and it was The Democratic Party who elected and embraced two Senators who were former KKK members.

Amazingly, and they deserve a lot of credit for this, they have positioned themselves in the eyes of the media, and to the uninformed, to claim the title of protectors and guardians of minorities. This became necessary because the old title of protectors and guardians of the working class was so obviously false that they gave up saying it. Of course, as far as the media is concerned, they no longer have to convince them because “them” is “they”.

I grew up in a very small town in West Virginia and like a lot of small towns, we did not have very many minorities living there. In fact, the few that did live there and that I went to school with, were never seen as anything other than fellow students and friends. Nobody, that I knew anyway, used disparaging remarks or told off-color jokes. If someone did, it was likely that they thought that they were telling funny punch lines about people that they had never met. They were never directed at our classmates.

It was not until I joined the army that I saw genuine racism first hand and it was alive and well on all sides of the ethnic fence. I remember being genuinely perplexed as to why some minorities would not talk to me or eat with me in the mess hall, simply because I was of a different race. I know, I sound like I was some kind of hick, right off of the farm, and maybe I was. However, it goes to the point that I am leading up to.

Coming at it from another angle, have you ever noticed that grade school children will play with anyone, be friends with anyone, and the idea of race never crosses their minds? It’s not until later, as they get older and undergo “diversity training” that they begin to think that there might be some differences between people after all.

The point that both of these arguments are meant to show is that human beings, by their very nature, are free of the bonds of separation by race until some ‘do-gooder leftist’ points them out. Then they begin telling them what they shouldn’t do, what they shouldn’t say, and what they shouldn’t think. None of which most people would ever contemplate doing, saying, or thinking until after it was suggested to them.

I often wonder if the minorities of the 1950’s would even recognize the word ‘racist’ as it is being thrown around today. I suspect they would be as confused as we are at its application. Of course, it’s a word that is reserved for the sole use of the left and never directed at themselves but at people with different political viewpoints.

So maybe we should take a look at what is racist and what is not, as it pertains to Webster’s definition. We’ll analyze the situation in a way that the left cannot analyze anything, without emotion and feelings. In other words, we’ll examine it factually.

Would it be racist for a person to imitate the speech patterns or mannerisms of a particular minority, even if they do so in a room full of people? Joe Biden will be relieved to know that the answer is no. He probably had his doubts after he addressed a group of black supporters by adopting his best southern drawl and informed them that Republicans  “are gonna put yall back in chains”.

Would it be racist to refer to young, black men as “super-predators” and suggest that the remedy was to “bring them to heel”? Not according to Webster’s definition. I’m sure Hillary Clinton will be relieved to know that she’s off the hook even though those comments were hers, while she was First Lady.

Here’s another one. Could we point our finger in horror and scream “racist!” at the top of our lungs if someone said that a few years ago, President Obama “would have been getting us coffee”? Nope. That lets Bill Clinton out of progressive exile for his 2008 comments.

We could go on and on for pages but the point has been made, I think. In none of these cases was there evidence that any one of these speakers had a deep-seated, unshakeable “belief” that race is the primary determinate of human traits and capacities. Most people would agree that they were in bad taste but nobody can say that the described belief was present when the words were said.

In fact, according to the definition, it would be very difficult to stick anyone with that label. How in the world would I know what your true beliefs are, or you mine, without a very long discussion or a lot of written evidence? We can say with some safety that the fundamental tenants of the KKK are racist because they’ve been written quite clearly and spoken about often. We could safely say that Adolph Hitler falls into that camp as well, but does it apply to your neighbor who likes to tell ‘off color jokes’ to his buddies when he drinks PBR. Again, not according to the definition.

Here’s a harder one. Is it racist to go into the inner cities every four years and promise large groups of minorities that you are going to make things better if they’ll vote for you (then create policies that actually harm them)? No, it just makes you a career politician (and most likely a democrat).

So with those studies I think we can quickly jump ahead and surmise that General Flynn is not going to re-segregate the military, Trump does not hate Hispanics because he promises to control the borders and anyone disagreeing with President Obama’s policies is not racist.

The left loves the word “racist”. So far they have applied it to every cabinet position that Donald Trump has filled and have used it on him so often I don’t think that anyone could ever get an accurate count. The media takes up the same cry toward anyone who does not fall into line with their beliefs because they both rely on the same playbook. When all else fails, use the “R” word.

This expanded definition racism is just as much alive overseas as it is at home, in the US. This is evident from the reaction of not only the left but also foreign nations, when now, President-Elect Trump suggested a ban on immigration from terrorist-harboring nations. Although this is clearly a national security position in the eyes of the majority, many foreign nations have declared the proposal to be racist. Yet, the definition makes no mention of religion as an element of racism and migrants are of varied ethnic origins. So how can this position be classified as racist?

The truth is that the immigrants who have been granted access to the West, such as in Germany, where the UN estimates there are more than 6,300,000 of them roaming free, have proven that open borders and unrestricted movement are not the answer. Reuters reported that according to their source within the BKA federal police, refugees from Syria are linked to 69,000 crimes within Germany in the first quarter alone. This is clearly not a racial problem but a one of security.

In the UK, which presumably did not want to be seen as ‘racist’ any more than the Germans, there are 897 Syrians being held for crimes as of this summer (07/2016). The UK government has been denying claims that it attempted to cover up these stats, and chief among the crimes committed was rape. I suppose that this should come as no real surprise given the Islamic view on women and the way that they are treated in the Middle East, but it would seem that western females are now paying the highest price for Europe’s anti-racist posturing.

While the definition of racism seems to be ever-expanding, it has not expanded so far as to include white people. While the United States has gone to great lengths to define many of the crimes against minorities as “Hate Crimes”, it would seem that there is no equivalent comparison to that when it is minorities who commit the crimes against white people. The amount of evidence uncovered in these cases that might show a particular criminal hates white people and singles them out as victims make no difference.

If you ask a liberal why racism cannot apply to white people, they will tell you that it is because white people have all of the power and the privilege in society, therefore they cannot possibly be victims of racism. You see, this is where everyone agrees that the expansion of the word racism must  stop. It must stop before everybody is subject to the same litmus test. If everyone is judged the same, the left knows that they may find that they fall quite a bit short of their own rhetoric.

It remains to be seen what ramifications our society will have forced upon it by the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency but I would like to make a prediction on one of them right now. Over the last two years, we have heard the word “racist” applied to everybody and everything so often that it has lost its potency as a warning. I honestly don’t think people even listen when they hear the word anymore, I know I don’t. I can honestly say I am as sick of the “R” word as I am of hearing people use the word “so” as a qualifier for every emotion in the English language. “I am so over the word racist!”

There is danger here as well, though. Just like the little boy who cried wolf too often, one day we may actually have a bonafide, confirmed racist running for office and nobody will listen to the screams of those who try to point it out.

Words like racism, child-molester, and bigot have a great deal in common with a .357 magnum. You’d better be certain before you pull that trigger because once that round heads down range, there’s no calling it back. Everybody reading this knows that if you spend too much time on the range, you’ll do one of two things. You’ll either put on hearing protection or you’ll go deaf to the all of the gunshots around you.

via Modern Survival Online

Lucid Dreaming | Wbtb with FILD Help

Hi guys,

Quick question. So I usually fall asleep around 11pm and wake up at 3am for my wbtb (I remember a dream from sleeping so I think it's okay to wake up then). I usually quickly jot down any keywords I remember from my dreams and get back in bed. The problem is, whenever I use wbtb, I can never fall back asleep. Even if I'm not focusing on sleep and keeping myself up, I still can't fall back asleep to induce my lucidity through the FILD method. Any suggestions or tips I should try to fall asleep easier after wbtb? It feels like I'm laying there for 30 minutes just not making any progress.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Many Uses for a Bandana

by Ryan

At first glance, you would not think that a square of thin cotton cloth would be all that useful. However, the humble bandana is one of the most useful tools you can have in a survival situation. Its simplicity makes it more versatile than just about anything you can bring with you.

I personally opt for the lightly larger shemagh, but it is exactly the same principle. For centuries everyone from Wild West cowboys to special-forces soldiers in Afghanistan have kept this cloth with them. In this article I will cover all the different ways you can use your bandana in a survival situation.

There are several places you should keep a bandana for easy access if you need it. I actually suggest keeping one on you at all times in your everyday carry kit. You can also keep one in your bug out bag, your get home bag, and in the trunk of your car. The point is that no matter what happens, a bandana is important enough to always have access to one.

During my very first survival challenge, I split my head open on a low-hanging branch. It was bleeding pretty badly and I knew I had to get pressure on it, but I did not have a bandana with me. I ended up cutting off both sleeves of my shirt as well as the pockets of my pants to keep a clean bandage on it. It was not really an ideal situation.

I want to break down the uses for this cloth into the four pillars of survival along with a few other important categories. This would include food, water, fire, shelter, first aid, signaling, and self-defense.

food berries


Collecting wild edibles – When you are gathering wild edibles, you want to have them in a soft enclosure that gets plenty of air. This will keep leafy greens from wilting and berries from getting smashed. Loading up your bandana with edibles and tying it into a bundle is a great way to keep them fresh on the trek back to camp.

Go spit fishing – If you want to collect minnows for bait or for a snack, you will need a makeshift net. Use a thin green branch to create a loop at the end of a handle and tie your bandana onto it forming a net. Submerge the net just below the surface of the water and spit into the water above it. The saliva will attract the minnows. Then you just lift it out of the water and fish out the minnows.

Make a bear bag – if you have a kill large enough to save some meat for the following day, predators will be an issue. Bears in particular will rip apart a camp to find meat. Bundle your food up in the bandana and tie cordage to it. Throw the other end over a tall branch and pull up the bundle so it is at least 10 feet off the ground. Make sure you do this at least 100 yards from your camp and you should be able to sleep knowing your breakfast is waiting.

Keep your fish fresh – If you have caught a few fish and have them on a stinger in the water, they can stay alive for several hours. However, there is a good chance that a scavenger will snag your catch, especially at night. You can loosely tie your bandana around the fish and place them back in the water. This will at least protect from small animals that may try to snag your meal.

Make yourself a soothing tea – If it is cold and your body is stressed, a tea can be a nice way to boost your health and your spirits. You can make a tea with pine or spruce needles, berries, or other wild edibles. Place a handful of your plant material into the bandana and tie it into a bundle. Smash it against a rock or stomp it with your boot to break up the plants and release the juices. Boil a pot of water and drop in your bundle. After a few minutes the healing and tasty properties of your plants will seep into the water. Many of these plants have vitamins and healing capabilities, so it can be very beneficial.

Crack some nuts – There are often trees that produce nuts filled with protein in your area, but the shell is sometimes difficult. If you smash it on a rock, there is the chance that your food could shoot all over the place. Wrap your nuts in a bandana before smashing them to hold all the pieces together.

water dew


Make a water filter – In any water filter you need a layer to remove small debris. A bandana is the perfect thickness for this. If you have a bottle or other container, you can add gravel, sand, and charcoal. Then put the bandana over the mouth to filter out the larger debris.

Collect dew for a drink – Morning dew is one of the most pure forms of water you can find in the wilderness. However, the only good way to collect dew is with fabric. If you wrap a bandana around your pant leg and walk through tall wet grass, it will collect the dew. You can then ring it out for a drink of clean water.



Make dry tinder – Cotton makes an excellent tinder when it is shredded and fluffed up. You can fray a bandana down to fibers and then fluff it up enough to take a spark. It works even better if you can rub a little Vaseline or chapstick on it.

Make char-cloth – This finished product is one of the few types of tinder that will both take a spark and light under a lens in almost any situation. To make char-cloth you must have a small tin like an Altoids can. Punch a tiny hole in the tin and cut up your bandana into one inch squares. Load up the tin and throw it in the fire for 10 to 20 minutes. The finished product should be completely black meaning all impurities have burned off. Keep your finished product dry and add it to all future tinder bundles.

Make cordage for a bow drill – You can cut your bandana into strips and weave it together to make strong cordage. It can then be tied to a bow stick and used for a bow drill set to make friction fire.

Make a wick for an oil lamp – There are several ways to make an oil lamp with found fuels and containers. However, they all need a good wick. Soak a thin strip of your bandana in your fuel, put one end in the reservoir, and light the other end. It should burn until the fuel runs out.

shelter face


Head and face coverage – If you need to protect yourself from the sun, wind, dust, rain, or cold, a bandana can help you. You can use it to cover your head, face, or mouth to filter out the elements. I completed a lifeboat challenge in scorching temperatures with only a bandana to cover my head. It works.

Cordage – One of the main necessities of shelter building is cordage. If you cut a bandana into strips you can use them as cordage or weave them to make even stronger cordage.

Make a pillow – When you are in a survival situation, any little bit of comfort can help. Having a soft surface on which to lay your head can greatly help your ability to sleep. If you roll your bandana loosely it makes for a nice pillow to insulate your head from the ground.

first aid

First Aid

Stop Bleeding – When you have a deep cut you need to apply pressure with a bandage to stop the bleeding. This bandage needs to be clean, so a bandana is a good option. Tie the bandana tightly on the cut and change it regularly if possible.

Reduce fever – If you have a fever it is important to get your body temperature down. This is also true for hyperthermia or heat stroke. If you need to reduce your body temperature, you can dip your bandana in cold water and wrap it around your neck. This will affect the blood in your jugular veins and help with fever or hyperthermia.

Aid with hypothermia – When your body temperature is too cold you need to warm your core as quickly as possible. Dipping your bandana in boiling water and rubbing it on your chest or neck can help you turn the tide.

Protect burns – Any burn needs to be protected from the elements to heal properly. A bandana is the ideal bandage to wrap around a burn.

Heal skin irritation – When you have poison ivy or another skin irritation, it is important to keep it clean. If you have an ointment, that works even better. Either way, keeping it wrapped in a bandana is a good idea.

Make a tourniquet – If you have severed an artery and are worried about bleeding out, a tourniquet may be your only option. Tie your bandana around the severed limb above the cut and put a stick inside the wrap. Twist it until the bleeding stops and hold it in place. Be aware that this is a live saving technique and could cause the loss of a limb.

Make a splint – If you have broken a limb and need a splint, you will need to secure the limb to something sturdy. Find some sticks of the right length and use pieces of the bandana to tie your limb to the sticks. This will hold it in place until you can get to help.

Slow the effects of venom – If you have been bitten by a venomous snake, you want to keep the venom away from your heart. There is not much you can do short of getting to a hospital with anti-venom, but you can slow the spread. Tie your bandana around the limb that has been bitten and above the bite to slow the blood flow. Then get to help as quickly as possible.

Make a sling for an injured arm – When your arm needs support, a bandana can be wrapped around your neck and can make for a good support.

Protect your hands – There are times you need to handle something hot or something sharp. A bandana makes for a good option to protect your hands from dangers like these.

self defense


Protect your fists – If you know you are going to get into a confrontation, keeping your hands protected is vital. Most people do not keep leather gloves with them, so a bandana is a good option for your dominant hand. It can keep your knuckles from splitting open and allow you to win the dispute.

Choke out the attacker – When you know you need to disable your attacker to get away, putting them to sleep may be your best option. A good way to do this is to apply pressure to both corroded arteries as well as their wind pipe. Gripping a bandana tightly and applying pressure to the neck is a good way to do this.

Conceal your identity – When in a survival situation, concealing your identity can be vital. Having a bandana over your face works incredibly well to keep your identity hidden.



Flagging – Getting the attention of rescue personnel is tough with just a bandana. However, movement is helpful. If you tie a bandana to a long stick and wave it in the air, it can make a good ground to air signal.

Smoke signals – You need to have a blanket of sorts to help create intervals for smoke signals. A bandana is a great way to separate your ‘S’s from your ‘O’s when signaling ‘SOS’.

Make a sweatband – It does not really fall into any of these categories, but this is the way I use my bandana most. When I am hiking or hunting I sweat a great deal. Just wearing a hat does not keep the sweat out of my eyes. However, if I roll up my bandana and tie it around my head, it catches most of the sweat. Then I just ring it out periodically, and I can see well all day.

I know this may seem like a huge number of uses for one item, but just take one with you. Keep a bandana in your pocket every time you enter the wilderness and remember the uses I have mentioned. As you keep this tool on your mind, you will start to use it more and more.

Anymore I will not hike, fish, hunt, or take on a survival challenge without at least one bandana in my pack. If it is good enough for special-forces, it is good enough for me. Spend a few bucks and pick up some bandanas. I am sure you will end up using them just as much as I do.

via Modern Survival Online

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Nothing works

Im trying to lucid dream for a while now nothing seems to work for no matter what i do im try nearly every thing exept wild

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Venezuelan Collapse – What Can We Learn?

by Ryan

You probably have heard about the civil unrest and economic collapse in Venezuela. The footage and stories have been jaw-dropping to say the least. There are 10,000 citizens crossing the border every day just to get food, water, toilet paper, and medical supplies. They line up before the sun rises and store shelves are bare before noon in some cases. Often when supplies are not available the Venezuelans will riot and destroy property. So what caused all of this?

The scary part is that the events leading up to the economic collapse are not all that different from current conditions in the United States. Venezuela was not hit by a hurricane or earthquake. They were not hit with an EMP blast or attacked by a foreign nation. They have not been overrun with terrorist attacks. What has happened is extreme national debt, an overly controlling government, and ridiculous currency manipulation. Sound familiar?

In this article I want to cover lessons we can learn from this foreign disaster. Venezuela may seem like it is worlds away, but there are more similarities to the US than you think. It is not enough for us to stare aghast from a distance and not take action. We must learn from their hardship. Here are lessons we can learn:

Hunger Equals Desperation

We have all seen the homeless dig through dumpsters outside of restaurants to pick out the fresh food that was scraped off of plates. This is not the type of desperation to which I am referring. Imagine that there were no restaurants. Imagine that there were not wealthy people that could afford to throw out half of the food they fix for their families. Those that had money for food find the shelves empty both within the borders and outside the borders. This is desperation, and this is the reality in Venezuela.

People react to desperation differently. How would you feed your family? Some have turned to violence. If you were smart enough or lucky enough to have food for your family, you would also have to be prepared to defend that food. Break-ins and attacks on the street are common. Of course trash cans and dumpsters are an option, but they are often picked clean. Some people have even taken to hunting cats and dogs in the streets. Rarely do you see true survival in an urban setting, but in this scenario people must be ready for it. If you live in the country or even in suburban areas, finding wild edibles and meat will be an essential skill.

You Cannot Count On Medical Care

While most of us have always had the option of calling 911 or driving to the emergency room, this is not a valid option for Venezuelans. The ambulances are either overwhelmed or shut down completely. The electricity and life support machines are out in most hospitals, so doctors are forced to improvise. The Luis Razetti hospital in Barcelona currently looks like a war zone. Most people who attempt to get care are forced to lie in hallways bleeding for days. No food or water is provided at the hospital, and those lucky enough to get a broken down bed must balance to keep it from tipping over.

What do we learn from this? When a collapse occurs, those that are prepared will know how to handle their own medical care. Basic first aid such as CPR, how to stop bleeding, mouth to mouth, splinting broken bones, treating fever, and the Heimlich maneuver must be practiced in advance. In addition, medical supplies need to be on hand. Please remember the type of desperation these folks are feeling. Imagine a child in your neighborhood is sick or dying, and their father knows that you have medical supplies. It would be tempting for that man to try and take what is yours. Be ready to defend those supplies.

Shortages Will Happen Quickly

Many people assume that because an economic collapse takes some time to develop that shortages will also take some time to develop. This was not the case with Venezuela. Within a few weeks of the collapse, products that were most needed had been picked clean. Bread, milk, sugar, and eggs were impossible to find within days. Some stores were able to restock their shelves, but many did not bother because of the looting that took place. Currently only 15% of the food, water, and medical supplies needed can be obtained within the borders of Venezuela.

If this is not a strong argument for prepping, I do not know what is. Those that wait until the collapse to stock up on supplies will be out of luck. Only those that see it coming and build up their supply storage will be able to survive a disaster such as this. Do not wait.

Domestic Currency Is Worthless

I know it may seem obvious, but not to everybody. When your economy collapses, conventional money is not worth much. Right now bartering is one of the best ways to get supplies or services. Another option is stocking up on gold or silver. These precious metals will always retain their value, but become even more valuable when the dollar crashes. In fact the Venezuelan government has greatly depleted their foreign reserves and has been forced to ship gold to Switzerland to help pay for their debt.

This means that preppers should have either precious metals or bartering items on hand before the collapse. Gold and silver are a great option, but can be expensive to stockpile. Another option is to think of other items that would be hard to find. Cigarettes and alcohol are items that would be in high demand. Luxury items like coffee and chocolate are also good to keep on hand.

Your Diet Will Change

As food has become harder to find, Venezuelans have had to make a drastic shift in their diets. Even those that wait in line overnight and are lucky enough to find food have opted for less expensive ways to fill their bellies. The shift has been away from any types of meat, milk, or eggs and more towards grains that provide energy and curb hunger. This has been common in any recession or collapse in history. Bread, rice, beans, and other grains become the bulk of the food supply. One family was quoted as having said that they have eaten no meat of any kind since December.

Think about this when you are prepping. If you are fortunate enough to live in the country, hunting, trapping, and fishing are vital skills. Take the time to practice these skills and build up your meat supply in advance. In addition, preserved meat becomes very important. Power outages could shut down your freezer, so making jerky or canning meat could make a huge difference. If you want protein, set yourself up with a meat stockpile in advance.

Hygiene Is Difficult

Since the collapse has taken place, food, water, and medical supplies are not the only shortages being faced. Basic toiletries are almost impossible to find. Hygiene can greatly affect the health of you and your family, so finding ways to stay clean is important. Soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, and shampoo are the items most difficult to find. If the power goes out then the water pumps will not operate for many people. At one point it was reported that the Venezuelan government was so desperate for toiletries that they were considering trading oil for basic supplies.

There are really two options to avoid this situation. You can stock up on these supplies in advance. Thankfully, most of these items are inexpensive and have a long shelf life. The other option is to find alternative methods of hygiene. You can make your own soap or take smoke baths to kill bacteria on your body. If you live in the country you can bathe in creeks or rivers. You can use charcoal or baking soda to brush your teeth. You can even use fabric or leaves to wipe. At many points in history people used a single rag to wipe and washed it after each use. The more pleasant option is definitely prepping your toiletries.

Crime Is Out Of Control

Any time that conditions are rough and people are desperate, crime will increase. Some of this crime is general outrage that materializes in the form of riots. The people feel that their country has abandoned them, and they are not happy. These riots have gotten worse as this disaster has continued. Some crime is related to acquiring supplies. This may mean looting or may result in robberies and break-ins. Just in the first quarter of 2016 there were 107 separate cases of major looting in Venezuela, and it continues to get worse.

Some of this crime will be due to the rise of the black market. When supplies are not available through normal channels, criminals will always take advantage of the situation. They will steal supplies in bulk and then sell them at a huge mark up. Through this process they will hurt or kill anybody that gets in their way. Drug use and prostitution may increase as people become hopeless. The bottom line is that local police have lost control and people are free to commit whatever crimes they please.

The lesson here is that self-defense and security is of utmost importance. Everybody in your family should know how to defend themselves with or without weapons. Your home should be reinforced to prevent intruders, and valuables should be hidden. In an economic collapse you really need several firearms in your home to defend your supplies and family. In addition, anybody having to leave the house should be armed to prevent a robbery. When desperation sets in, you cannot trust anybody.

It is a bit surreal to talk about a collapse like this happening in the United States, but it is very possible. Our government is making all of the same mistakes that Venezuela has made, and it does not intend to change. Without getting too political you can see that the socialist and liberal powers in Venezuela allowed open borders, funded heavy benefits for the poor, controlled currency, relied on foreign aid because of wasteful spending, and allowed corruption. It hits a little too close to home for me.

Now the Venezuelan government is forcing people out of their homes into labor camps where they will be forced to work on plantation farms. The unfortunate part of this situation is all the people that suffer and die. It seems that in life, change is almost always motivated by pain. If things in the US go like recent events in Venezuela, we will have plenty of pain to prompt a swift and dramatic change.

via Modern Survival Online

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Old Heatsink Lets Ham Push Duty Cycle for Digital Modes

Listen to the amateur radio bands long enough, and you’ll likely come to the conclusion that hams never stop talking. Of course it only seems that way, and the duty cycle for a transmitter operating in one of the voice modes is likely to be pretty low. But digital modes can up the duty cycle and really stress the finals on a rig, so this field-expedient heat sink for a ham transceiver is a handy trick to keep in mind.

This hacklet comes by way of [Kevin Loughin (KB9RLW)], who is trying to use his “shack-in-a-box” Yaesu FT-817 for digital modes like PSK31. Digital modes essentially turn the transceiver into a low-baud modem and thus messages can take a long time to send. This poses a problem for the 5-watt FT-817, which was designed for portable operations and doesn’t have the cooling fans and heavy heatsinks that a big base station rig does. [Kevin] found that an old 486 CPU heatsink clamped to a lug on the rear panel added enough thermal mass to keep the finals much cooler, even with a four-minute dead key into a dummy load at the radio’s full 5-watt output.

You may scoff at the simplicity of this solution, and we’ll concede that it’s far from an epic hack. But sometimes it’s the simple fixes that it pays to keep in mind. However, if your project needs a little less seat-of-the-pants and a little more engineering, be sure to check out [Bil Herd]’s primer on thermal management.

[via r/amateurradio]

Filed under: misc hacks, radio hacks

via radio hacks – Hackaday

Bug Out Location: Find It, Prepare It, Protect It

by Megan

The one resource every prepper must have is a good bug out location. Some people even hope to completely relocate their family to their bug out location full-time before SHTF. The type of property you choose for your bug out location will depend on how you intend to use it, how large your family or survival group is, and your skill level with the tasks needed to maintain a survival property.

No matter how you intend to use your bug out location, the steps are the same. You must find it, prepare it, and protect it so that you can keep your family safe and secure during chaotic times. Finding the perfect bug out location can be a little overwhelming, there are some common desirables, but there are also a lot of things to consider. So, let’s break it down and see what each of those steps entails.

  1. Find It

How you ultimately search for and find your bug out location is less important than the criteria that you use to select your bug out location. Some people find their bug out location using a traditional real estate agent; some people find their bug out property by shopping online; others rely on friends and family to alert them when a property comes available. You may find free land that works well or want to drive around an area you like looking for “for sale” signs.

No matter how you find your property, there are some key criteria to consider. Distance from home, location threats, and geographic resources are three key things to consider for any bug out property. As with any land purchase, no property will be perfect, so it’s best to consider all the criteria and then make informed compromises based on your unique needs and situation. You may find a property, for example, that has everything except a fresh water source so you would have to decide to either invest in drilling one or more wells on the property or look for a different property. Or perhaps you find the perfect property located closer to a major interstate than you’d like to be, but you’re okay with ramping up security to defend it. Those are the trade-offs you may need to make once you find a property you like.

The ideal location will be one where you and your family can be comfortable and be as self-sufficient as possible when SHTF. If your property doesn’t have a water source and you must make a run for water every other day or so, you are putting family members at risk every time they leave the property. It’s best to find a location where you can grow or forage everything you need to supplement your stockpile.

Distance from Home

The ideal bug out location is no more than five days’ travel from your home location if you had to walk. The average adult can travel on foot for about 10-12 miles per day and no more than 50-60 miles in five days. This distance can be significantly less if you have children or elderly in your group or if you are not as physically fit as an average adult.

When figuring driving distance from home, your bug out location should be no farther away than you can travel on one tank of gas. Make sure you have an accurate estimate of your car’s gas mileage based on its age and condition. Gas stations will quickly become clogged with desperate people or will be inoperable. It’s a good idea to plan for storage and transport of additional fuel in your bug out vehicle just in case you are stuck in traffic or must take a longer route to get to your bug out location due to road blocks, debris, or other unpredictable danger.

Location Threats

Every property will have its unique characteristics depending on its precise location. While no property can be deemed 100% from looters and chaos, there are some location threats that you can try to stay away from. The location you ultimately choose for your bug out retreat needs to avoid danger zones such as:

High-Density Population Areas

When a crisis hits, lots of people are going to panic. Some will have prepared, but many will not have prepared enough and much more will not have prepared at all. All major cities and especially high-density population cities will become danger zones. As water, food, and medicine become scarce in these high-density population areas, people will leave the city in droves.

These hordes of people referred to as the “golden hoard,” will be scared, hungry, and desperate. They will flee the city by car and on foot in search of food, water, and other resources. Ideally, your bug out location should be 50 to 150 miles outside of these hot zones. These desperate people will become one of the biggest threats to the security of you and your family. The farther you are from these high-density population areas, the less likely it is your retreat will be overrun.

The Eastern half of the United States has three to four times the population density of the Western half of the United States. On the West Coast, Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles have the highest population density, and the coastal areas of Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Maryland have the densest population in the entire United States. Consider the routes these massive numbers of people will take out of these cities when choosing your bug out routes and location, make sure you are as far out of range as you can get.

Relocation Bottlenecks

Your bug out route and your retreat location must avoid relocation bottlenecks as much as possible. A relocation bottleneck is an area such as a bridge, exit ramp, railroad crossing, mountain pass, or mountain tunnel, including areas with only a couple highways that must be used to leave the city. A high-density population city with only two or three roads in or out is a relocation bottleneck because those routes will quickly become jammed with vehicles and people.

Interstate and Freeways

When SHTF and people begin to flee their homes in search of food, water, and safety, the majority will instinctively use main interstates and highways. This means not only will main interstate roads and highways become clogged with traffic, but the areas off these main roads and interstates will become clogged with people on foot who were forced to abandon their cars as they run out of gas. The average person will travel 5-7 miles on foot from highways, interstates, and even county roads as they look for food, water, or shelter. Your bug out location needs to be outside of this range so you can avoid being overrun.

Geographic and Climate Dangers

Your bug out location should be a good distance from any geographic dangers such as volcanoes, river valleys or lowlands that are prone to flooding, areas prone to wildfires, or mud or rock slide areas. In addition to geographic dangers, avoid choosing a location that is frequently hit by hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, or other natural disasters.

Nuclear Plants

It goes without saying that the areas near nuclear power plants may become dangerously unstable during an extended power outage. Yes, nuclear plants have numerous backup systems in place that will kick in when the power goes out, but as the power outage continues, the possibility of system failure increases. When you find a property that you are considering for a bug out location, check to see where the nearest nuclear plants are located and make sure you are far enough away to survive a blast and subsequent radiation residue.

Military Targets

No matter which country you choose for your bug out location, make sure that you take into consideration any military targets in the region. Our enemies will target military bases, government headquarters, major urban centers, and other locations it perceives as a threat. When those military targets are hit, you don’t want to be anywhere near those areas.

Desirable Geographic Resources


Ideally, the property you choose for your bug out location will be at least partially wooded. This gives you a source of wood to use in your fireplace or woodstove. A property that is partially wooded also means that you will have at least some wood available for building purposes if needed. Wooded areas are also beneficial because you can hunt, trap, or forage additional food to supplement your stockpile. If you cannot buy land that has wooded acreage, try to buy something that is adjacent to a State or National Forest area.


Your bug out location should have at least one source of fresh water that you can draw from not only for drinking but for watering plants, cooking, and personal hygiene needs. This could be anything from a well (have a hand pump available) to a pond, a spring or stream that runs all year, a river, or large lake.

The best fresh water source is one that is less vulnerable to contamination such as chemical or sewer waste run-off, so an underground spring on your property is ideal. Moving water is better than standing water because it’s easier to take advantage of the kinetic energy to generate power if needed.

If you cannot buy property that has a fresh water source on it, look for property that is within five miles or less of a fresh water source. It should be remote and yet close enough that you could walk or drive daily and haul water back to your bug out location.

When collecting water, go to the highest point or as close to the head of a stream or river as possible because the chance of contamination from things such as dead animals, human or animal waste, etc. is less. Rainwater collection is another good way to store water, but it should be your backup plan and not your only option for fresh water.

  1. Prepare It


Ideally, your bug out location needs to be stockpiled with enough food and water to last you and your family at least one year. If budget is an issue, purchase extra supplies a little at a time and add them to your BOL stockpile. Include not only healthy survival foods, but seeds, medicine, extra clothing, weapons, and blankets. In addition to that, you need to plan for and begin preparations for ways to feed your family after your stockpile runs out.

Garden or Food Forest

Another way to prepare your bug out location is to plan and plant a survival garden or ideally a food forest. A food forest is good for a bug out location that you will only use occasionally until SHTF. Food forests need very little maintenance after the first year or so, and because your food is part of the forest, it is hidden from sight which means looters and other desperate people won’t even know it’s there.

Alternative Systems

One mistake some preppers make is that they believe that all they must do is stockpile enough food and water at their bug out location and everything will be okay. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When SHTF and you get to your bug out location, you will need alternative systems for a lot of things. You will need to have an alternate method for cooking, for refrigeration, for power and even for washing dishes and taking a shower. A solar power, wind power or even a hydro-powered system can solve many of these issues, but these alternative systems need to be setup and tested in advance.

You will also need to get in the habit of using less electricity, less water, and even eating different foods than you may have eaten at home. Make sure that you consider and prepare these alternative systems and procedures for your bug out location and make sure every family or group member is ready to implement them.

Tools and Equipment

When SHTF, there is very little chance that you will have time and space to transport all your tools and equipment from your home or garage to your bug out location when you evacuate. Also, there will be tools and equipment you will need at your bug out location that might have been impractical for your home and yard. Make sure you stock your bug out location in advance with the tools and equipment you will need to make repairs to your shelter, outbuildings, fences, solar panels, etc.

  1. Protect It

Natural Defense

If possible get a property hidden from the road by trees, shrubs, and other natural barriers. Look for a property that is on higher ground, such as on or near the top of a ridge or hill so that you have a clear view of anyone approaching the area. The steep ground also helps to slow the approach of your attackers which can give you time to pick them off from higher up. The Higher ground may also serve to deter any looters and desperate members of the golden horde that are looking for food. They will be hungry but exhausted and a long climb up a hill on the off chance they will find food may be enough to push them on to the next house.

Another way to defend your property using natural resources is to use landscaping to deter people from exploring. Instead of high fences with barbed wire that lead looters to believe you have something worth protecting, plant a firethorn hedge. It can grow as tall as fifteen feet and has thorny stems, so if planted around the perimeter of your home, it becomes virtually impenetrable to all but the most determined looters. There are other types of landscaping you can do to try and keep people away from your property and your home. Research to find the right combination for your property and climate.

You can also hide things from the sight of those on the road, so they don’t realize there is food on your property. Hide planted vegetables behind a hedge or deep within a food forest. Plant a garden of decorative edibles and plants that many people won’t recognize as food.

Still another way to use nature to deter looters and desperate people from ransacking your home is to plant some wild edibles along the road on either side of your property. The hope here is that hungry looters will devour the wild edibles within easy reach to fill their stomachs and then continue up the road rather than hike up your driveway to see what you may have.

If you have the mindset for it, you can also plant poisonous wild plants along the road edge of your property to try and entice hungry looters. If they eat the poisonous plants and become sick, they won’t be focused on looting your property any longer.

Passive Defense

There are many things you can do around your property to passively deter looters and others who are desperately searching for food and water. The idea is to get them to pass by your property and look for an easier target. These are passive defense techniques, and they won’t work for every looter, but they may deter some of those who are less determined:

  • Record dogs barking and growling and have a battery-operated player on hand and turn it on when you are alerted to people on the road near your property. Some people are afraid of dogs and will move on to the next house if they think dogs are a threat. Or even better, get a set of guard dogs and keep them near the entrance to your property.
  • Use debris around your yard or land to push intruders through a certain area where you can easily ambush them or pick them off with a gun from an upstairs window.
  • Board up first floor doors and windows to make it more difficult for intruders to enter your home without making some noise that alerts you. Keep a rope ladder inside on the second floor in case you and your family need to get out quickly.
  • Make your property and house look like it is abandoned and has already been picked clean. Paint graffiti on the outside of the house or the word “Quarantine”, leave mail or newspapers piled up near the mailbox or on the front step, or collect debris from other areas and use it to litter your yard or block your front door or walkway.
  • Collect some long snake skins or realistic looking fake snakes and coil them near the front door and lay some on the walkway to make it look like there may be more snakes inside.
  • Spray the area near the road with skunk spray at night. If looters think a skunk is on your property, they may keep moving to the next house rather than risk a confrontation.

Active Defense

When it comes to actively defending your property, make sure that you are prepared with enough guns and ammunition and even some weapons to defend it adequately. Once you engage looters in a fight, you have no choice but to keep fighting until someone wins or loses. Depending on who you are up against and how prepared they are, a gun battle could go on for a long time. Know how and where to store your ammo stockpile so it will be ready when you need it, and you can rely on it to be in good condition.

So, to have a secure, stable bug out location, you first need to find it, prepare it, and then protect it. There is no right or wrong way for you to choose your bug out property. The key thing is that you consider as many factors and threats as possible and try to plan accordingly. Just like with other areas, preparedness will be a key factor to survival for you and your family.

via Modern Survival Online