Sunday, October 2, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Sleep paralysis?

Hello guys, I am new to lucid dreaming as I only learned what it was about a week ago and have been trying techniques since then (mostly FILD with no luck yet). Yesterday though, I decided to try to use sleep paralysis to get me in a lucid dream. I got an app called Lucid Dreamer on my phone and it has an option called Paralyzer. What it does is beeps every however many seconds you want for however many minutes you want to help keep your mind awake. I went to bed at about 10 pm and made it beep every 30 secs for 20 minutes. I lay on my back and tried not to move. Soon I felt my body relax and ALMOST go numb. After 20 minutes the beeping stopped, but I still felt awake. I tried to keep my mind awake by focusing on the place I wanted to end up in in my dream. Suddenly I felt a wave of heat and tingling go up from my toes. My heart started to beat extremely fast and loud and my breathing got irregullar. I was hearing some noises like when a cat walks on your desk and and moves things about (my cat was locked in another room at the time so it couldnt have been him). I didn't feel any pressure on my chest though and When I got my breathing under control I didn't dare to try and move in case I wake my body up. A few moments later i literally felt like I was being catapulted through a portal into space (and i saw it in my mind too). I didn't feel my bed under me and I really felt like I was floating for a second or two. That was the point where I didn't really know what to do. I turned on my side and it all disapeared.

My question is: Was that really sleep paralysis? As I said I did it right after I went to bed so it definitely wasn't during the REM phase so I dont know if it is even possible to do it when you go to bed. And also do you think that whole being catapulted into space thing might have been the transition into a lucid dream? And finally, if that was the start of a lucid dream what should i do to keep it going?

Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance. Also, sorry for the long post :P

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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