Friday, October 14, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | AURORA - Finally arrived!!

Hi all, I finally have my Aurora headband!

As I only try to enter lucid dreams by DEILD ( using an alarm ) I knew that Aurora would be ideal. I put it on when I went to bed and before I knew it the lights were flashing, I kept still and within seconds felt powerful vibrations, rolled out and into a lucid dream. After my lucid, I got up for real and checked the time. The lucid dream was within 2 hours of me going to bed and as we know that the first REM period is quite short, proved that the REM tracking in the headband is very accurate. Its also really comfortable to wear .... excited that finally a EILD device has been invented that has REM tracking ( bye bye Remee ) and is comfortable ( bye bye RemDreamer / Novadreamer ) and is an absolute ideal tool to perform an easy DEILD :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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