Thursday, September 22, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Opinions needed!

Last night i went to bed....instead of going to sleep i tried a meditation/OBE/WILD attempt.I looked alot into astral projection *OBE* and know of all the signs before the transition stage.
During my attempt after about 40mins my body went very hot even tho the room wasnt hot.I think i remember reading that when your body shuts down before sleep it heats up maybe as a defense mechanizm or something that the body does....eneways i couldnt stand the heat anymore so i just turned over and wheh i did i felt so much cooler and comfy....due to this i must of fell to sleep rather quick.
That night i had 2 lucid question is

Because of how quickly i fell asleep as to my usual tossy turner night do you think thats why i became lucid due to hiw quick i fell to sleep?

Thankyou =)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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