Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Do you think mild is THE technique for me?

It seems to be the only technique that's gave me the best results. A few days (like 2) I did mild while falling asleep last night. I eventually fell asleep doing that and had some weird "Are you dreaming?" Type dream. Someone kept repeating are you dreaming over and over again and eventually I teleported somewhere crowded, like in a new York area, and some dude tapped on my shoulder and said "Bro, your dreaming!" Then I woke up.

Last night I decided to do mild again and had a normal dream about using dream control in order to prepare for when I DID get lucid. I remember willing a guy to walk off a balcony with my mind, and erasing the locks off a door with my mind so a girl couldn't escape.

After awakening from that dream because of a wet dream, I stayed up for nearly an hour just reading stuff online and decided to go back to bed again because I felt I could still sleep. I did mild once again, I fell asleep into a dream about myself waking up into a weird position, (false awakening) laying still with my eyes closed, and hearing my dads alarm clock as well as a *BANG!* from that point on I opened my eyes and knew I was dreaming. Its crazy how I got lucid from doing a technique inside of a dream. Its trippy. Kind of like a false awakening inside of a false awakening. Lmfao. In my lucid I was trying to get out of bed, piecingg together what the fuck happened. As I was getting out of bed, I felt sluggish as hell. Like I was lagging in a video game. I walked over to my dresser in the dark and there just so happened to be a flash light on. I stuck my hands under the flash light and stared at my hands in order to stabilize. I felt a bit better then and could move a bit more easily. So I walked back over to the side of my bed and remembered my dream goal. (To go to the mall and find a cute girl. I notice there's always cute chicks in malls and I never had a lucid good enough to allow me a clear chance to hang out with one) so I close my eyes in order to teleport. I start thinking about a mall, expecting it to be there when I opened my eyes. But instead, its like closing my eyes inside the dream made me fall asleep! Because I later woke up in real life.

What's weird is, mild made me get lucid from a technique I stopped trying to practice like two weeks ago. (Waking up and laying still with my eyes closed) and I think its absolutely crazy just how random it is in its attempts at getting you lucid haha :D from being tapped on my shoulder and told I'm dreaming, to using dream control in a normal dream, to having a fucking lucid from a normal dream using a technique I stopped using two weeks ago. Its insane man.

Mild seems to be the technique that works the best for me. Wild is a hit or miss for me. Fild never worked what so ever. Canwild (the tech I practiced in my dreams) was easier than standard wild but still a hit or miss. Dild awareness practice and reality checks got annoying. Whereas, mild has been the most consistent and provided me with the most results since practicing it.

A few months ago I genuinely practiced mild for my first time ever and had a dream about looking at my hands as well as another dream control type normal dream that very night. I stopped that mild practice because I wanted to use other techniques EVEN though it was showing to be working for me.

Several more months of horror wild attempts, dild awareness and reality check off and on practice, a relatively long break from lucid dreaming, and I'm back at lucid dreaming again. This time lazier than ever. Have lost all drive to wake up in the night for wild's, got annoyed from doing reality checks every day, and just overall feel lazy.

The only thing I'd really be willing to practice is self awareness by paying attention to what I'm always doing 24/7 and never going on auto pilot, and mild. Along with dream journaling and stuff as well.

Anyways, it seems as though mild has been the one to be the most effective because after taking a break from lucid dreaming, suffering a lot more with different techniques, I found my way back to mild and seriously started practicing it a few days ago and it has not let me down yet. Now all there's left to do is to practice it every night and start realizing I'm dreaming from the subtle (or sometimes subtle :lol: ) signs it leaves me.

Naiya and several others have claimed mild to be their most effective technique. Maybe I'm just another Naiya haha :D she learned to LD every night from mild alone. Like Naiya says, the good thing about Mild is that its simple as that it doesn't need awareness practice built up, and that there really is no wrong way to do mild. As long as you keep doing your practice every night, it'll eventually kick in and start giving lucids the more you do it. I'm at the phase where it influences my dreams but I'm just not lucid in them yet.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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