Thursday, September 8, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Inner Vibration Meditation


Not been active for a while. But I thought that I would share a powerful method that I learned that so far have made me dream vividly on a consistent basis and having lucid dreams by just going to bed. I have had 4 lucid dreams in two weeks now, each with a high quality of awareness.

(I am not saying this to brag, it's not even impressive compared to the amount of practise that I have done. It's to explain that I have seen a pattern and that it's worth investigating.)

Let's start with the basics:

Study any religion and any mystical knowledge and you will see that SEXUAL ENERGY has a power that has been overlooked or even forgotten.

People take brain enhancing drugs in order to study, people drink alcohol in order to have fun or let go, people put in effort to meet a partner, people are stressed, people seek happiness in the external world (validation on social media, followers on social media, venting their opinions on social media, social media....) greed of money, jealousy and talking behind people's back etc.

There is one simple thing to solve all of the above and achieve: Internal happiness, focus, effortless success in ANYTHING.

It sounds weird: Let go of the orgasm!

I could argue with the people who don't agree OR I could simply let you guys try it and observe yourself and see what happens. If you aren't open for it, it's your free choice. But just consider for a moment that the major religions of the world had a point that was forgotten and even despised and believe to have been used to sexually shut down people. (Well maybe it has, but the reason from the beginning was the opposite).

To explain it simply: Letting go of the orgasm and then transmuting this energy through meditation is what gives you your ENERGY, also called sexual energy, chi, energy for the chakras and so on. Many names, same energy.

And here comes the "new" method.

Have you ever heard about binaural beats? Using sound to change the frequency that your brain is operating from in order to change the state of your consciosuness. Well as usual nothing is new under the sun. Here is some simple logical conclusions for you:

Everything is energy > Energy is vibration > vibration is sound > controlling sound is controlling vibration/energy!

Did you know that you could use vibration to make things levitate, extinguish fire, make a big bridge wobble and collapse?

And lastly did you know that you could produce a sound that changes your state of consciousness?

It's simple and so basic, so just like the power of sexuality, we have missed it!

It's called a MANTRA!

Now you understand why monks are sitting saying: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


It becomes an internal vibration, so mantras allows you to create your own powerful sound.

Let me give you a rant for being an outcast believing in strange things one more time:

People can laugh at us for practising lucid dreaming, people can laugh when we respect our sexuality, people can laugh when we are sitting doing nothing (meditating), people can laugh and think it's weird when we sit chanting mantras.

But do you know when I laugh?

When I fly sky high in my lucid dream. :superman:

Ok thanks for reading. I just wanted to share some ideas because this is life changing for me right now.

I sound very bitter in this text but that is just to make a point. In reality sexual energy and meditation will make you non-judgemental and become so carefree that you no longer need a reason to feel happy. You just smile to smile and enjoy expressing that to other people and people stop judging and instead they get curious. :wink:

Peace and love and sweet sweet dreams to all of you. :meditate:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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