Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Grasping at a fleeting glimpse without a clue

Since starting to attempt WILDs, twice now i've crashed but was able to recognize i was dreaming. The first time i had a blanket in my car that triggered the memory of having had it in bed with me moments before and that didn't make sense and i knew i was dreaming. Then last night i found myself in a bathtub, then i realized i was standing in the tub yet the walls of it were at eye level and the water was up to my chest. my first reasoning was that it must be my parent's tub because mine wasn't that deep, then it hit me that no one i ever heard of had a tub that deep into the floor and knew it was a dream. Both times the very second i realized i was dreaming the dream vanished. It didn't collapse, or i wasn't jolted out of it, it just blew away like it was made of the thinnest possible stuff. Back in 2007 i had a series of spontaneous lds. Upon realizing i was dreaming i took off and flew. There were 3 of these. All ended soon afterward and very abruptly. It was the excitement and intensity of the experience that jolted me awake. So i know what that feels like. These latest attempts are definitely not the result of the emotion of the experience. Both occurrences were very late in the morning after about 8 hours of sleep. I was able to crash easily enough, but could it have been i was in too wakeful a state once reason kicked in to continue in it? Another thought, i'm a fairly analytical person. Is it possible that my reasoning mind will simply not allow such things to continue? just threw that last one in, i highly doubt it would be that,but? All the same, I am at a loss to understand why it could be so suddenly delicate at the moment of lucidity without emotional shock. Any ideas or suggestions out there?
Before someone refers me to the dream stabilization tutorial, i have consulted it and also done a search. None of this quite matches. As i said this is not an emotional response and there was literally no time to do anything. Fleeting would be the best descriptor.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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