Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Characters preventing RC's..?

Hello fellow dreamers,

Ever since I have been trying to lucid dream I have had the experience of characters in my dream trying to stop me or obstruct me in some manner while trying to stabilise a dream or do a reality check.

First ever pre-lucid, I was aware and tried to do a RC and hands came out from behind me and began to cover my sight and hold my hands still from doing a finger count.

Another time I did a finger count and wanted to start practicing stabilisation techniques and then a zombie horde appeared right in front of me.

These are just 2 of many times this has happened. Just wanted to know what you guys thought about this?

Furthermore, I have successfully done RC's and become aware that I am in a dream but can never make the next stop of reaching completely lucidity and having complete clarity/vividness. Any tips?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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