Thursday, April 30, 2015

ModernSurvivalOnline and Anti-Virus software

Hello all –

I have heard from several people that when they visit this website they are getting alert messages that state the site may be dangerous and to have caution. Most are using the same anti-virus software. There is nothing going on with MSO. Often many of these anti-virus programs use a similar “library” of websites which to index from to warn people about. It appears that somehow MSO has been flagged for some reason or another.

Each anti-virus software has a setting you can go to to exclude a site that you know is fine. If it becomes a problem you can either change virus software or go in and add to the exemption or safe list.



Click to Enlarge

And yes – I have heard that many Conservative and Preparedness websites are making it to the list.


Thanks – Rourke


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