Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | My first lucid!

So ive had moments where i guess i thought i was lucid but this morning's nap proved to be the real thing! i woke up around 5:30 to go to a mornign prayer becuase of the upcoming easter celebration.. i was sooo tired, barely stayed awake suring it. but when i left church and got home around 8:30 i immediately sacked and knocked out.. Thats when it started. my dream started out in a train station with a close freind named adrian as i walked acrossed the street out of the station idk what caused it ( it wasn't a sudden realization) but next thing i know im semi-lucid.. to explain further; i knew i was dreaming but i wasn't completely immersed in the experience.. textures were still off and i was moving and talking sort of sluggishly too. i met adrians friend across the street and i said hey and stuff and it was cool cuz when i shook their hands it totally felt weird like sandpaper but not as rough.. they seemed normal for dream characters, i even asked one of them what they represented to me and they looked at me like i was crazy. but then i asked my friend adrain and he said he represents my inferior inner self of something like that o_O" .... weirded me out a little so i decided not to ask anymore questions. it was fairly mundane for a first lucid but i basically went around my school talking to my freinds... highlight of my dream is i went up to my crushed and kissed her! it felt so nice having to do it without any hesitations! her lips felt like clouds lol... dreamy

Well that was my dream, i guess it was a WBTB over a 4 hour period lol but if it worked i should try it again soon huh lol

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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