Monday, April 20, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 21st, 2015

As our current Administration continues to celebrate in their efforts to make “deals” with Iran – Iran relishes in calling for the death and destruction of America in addition to Israel.

It remains frustrating to see the general “sheeple” citizen with their  head in the sand on matters that affect the welfare of this country.

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I do not like clowns. Never have. Never will.


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Wish me luck. This week I am having “the talk” with my wife about getting a piece of land and putting some form of shelter on it. Might be a large shed/small cabin, camper – something. We have talked before but it is getting close(1 year) to where I think we can do it.

It’s very important that this retreat happens. I feel drawn to it. It’s not just a weekend getaway.


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Don’t think I mentioned this but I am now on Volume 4 of the 299 Days book series. Keeps getting better and better. It is what I consider to be the most realistic portrayal of the coming collapse which I see coming.

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Recent visit to Sam’s I saw a 3 pack of LED flashlights for $20. I believe the brand is Tasco. I bought them for my work. They take 3 AAA batteries. Can’t remember the stated number of Lumens – somewhere around 200. Anyways if you are a Sam’s member and see these it is a good deal. I took one and did a drop test from 6 feet several times -still working.





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