Sunday, April 26, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 27th, 2015

A number of Federal Agencies have been increasing security across the country – especially in California. This is all due to an apparent ISIS threat inside the borders of the United States. That is about all that is known based on this article.

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The earthquake in Nepal is awful with well over 2000 people reported dead. I saw reports on the Sunday morning news that so many people are outside, exposed to the elements. Due to the damage many structures have people cannot go into many apartment buildings, homes, and other structures. As you can imagine food, water, sanitation in addition to shelter is an issue.

Another reason we prepare.

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More and more it is becoming clear to me that the “lone wolf prepper” will not do well in the long term. Networking and building relationships with like-minded folks who can help each other in a crisis is a large key to success.

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It is April 27th. If you are in an area that people are planting their garden and you haven’t – get on it!!! Even if you have literally no land gardening is possible. Check out I have a set of these bucket grow kits and they work great. You can grow all kinds of vegetables on a patio, a porch – wherever.


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Shoulder News: I recently mentioned that I was taking last week off from working out to rest my shoulder as I have been having some pain. Well – I am writing this Sunday night and it is not any better. Really no different at all. I have complete use of the shoulder however certain positions I can feel pain. Getting back on track for working out Monday morning but will avoid certain movements. Looks like an Ortho appointment is in my future.

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Hope everyone has a great week!!!


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