Tuesday, April 21, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – April 22nd, 2015

The Panhandle Rancher let me know about this. I can’t believe this crap. John Deere has stated that EVERYONE that has bought one of their tractors does NOT own the tractor. Nope – they paid the money but they do not own the machine. Rather – they purchased a lifetime LEASE to use the tractor. Holy ridiculous Batman!

Check this out:

In a particularly spectacular display of corporate delusion, John Deere—the world’s largest agricultural machinery maker —told the Copyright Office that farmers don’t own their tractors. Because computer code snakes through the DNA of modern tractors, farmers receive “an implied license for the life of the vehicle to operate the vehicle.”

It’s John Deere’s tractor, folks. You’re just driving it.

You can read the entire article HERE.

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The Commander of the US Army in Europe has stated openly that Europe is facing a “real threat” from Russia. Russia’s aggression – which I have mentioned here several times – in addition to their threatening of Denmark has the Commander concerned.

The US military response to Russia? The movement of Patriot missiles 750 miles into Warshaw. This is another indication that a “Cold War 2″ has started.

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Had several comments regarding my mentioning about buying a piece of land and putting a small “cabin” on it. I will write up something soon  explain a bit more what I have in mind My budget to be honest is going to likely be around $15,000-$18,000 unless I get on owner financed land. This limits the possibilities but does not eliminate the project.

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Growing up I thought Twinkies were the greatest thing in the world. Now? Not that great. One food that is not good for me at all that I love is Kelloggs Blueberry Pop Tarts. I could pound an entire box of 12 in one sitting. No frosting please.

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Halfway through the week. Come on weekend!!



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1QhsxLD

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