Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Tiger’s MILD Stuff

I’m not going to be explaining what MILD is, I’ll be assuming you already know what it is.
If you don’t, here are some things you should read first -





Yo! I decided to write this guide because I get a lot of people asking me how I do MILD, due to my recent spike in lucids.

Month 1 (Just rcs): 3 Lucids
Month 2: (Started doing MILD at the end of month): 12 lucids
Month 3: (Strictly MILD, nothing else): 20+ lucids

Not to flex, but as you can see MILD is very effective and reliable if done right, it’s a common misconception that MILD is unreliable and just for beginners. To be honest with you, I didn’t actually believe MILD worked when I first started, now all I do is MILD, and it gives me great results.

Of course, everyone is different, but in my opinion, if done right, MILD is the easiest and most effective way to have lucids. If you don’t want it to, it doesn’t even need to take up any of your time in the day, all my MILD is done at night due to me being too stressed in the day.

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I’m not the best at explaining, but I’ll try my best to give you all the info about how I do MILD.

For me the main idea behind MILD is **Intent**, it’s a very simple concept, but hard for some to understand (this was the case for me, I literally read all the MILD guides and it made no sense lol.)
To explain why MILD and the idea of intent works so well, I’ll try to use a simple analogy or scenario, whatever it’s called :

-You have work/school tommorow, you leave a pack of chewing gum in your kitchen, **intending** to pick it up tommorow morning and take it with you. You’ll probably focus on this intention for a while to remember to pick it up, and most likely it’ll be in the back of your head and you’ll pick it up tommorow morning if you have decent memory.
This is exactly what MILD is to me, I’m setting the **intent** to **remember** to become aware/lucid in my dream. I might forget to pick up the gum tommorow, or the next day, or the next, but eventually I’ll pick it up if I focus on my intent, it’s guaranteed (unless something is really wrong with my brain). The same goes for MILD, stay consistent and focus and you’re going to become lucid, in my case I got results around the same week.

**How to set the intent**

While you’re doing MILD, it’s best to have a clear head so you can really focus on the intention, something like meditation greatly helps with this.

There’s many ways you can set the intent, the most obvious one is repeating a mantra, something like “I will have a lucid dream to night”. Remember! You’re not just saying the words and hoping they’ll make you lucid, that’s a common mistake people make, you need to set the intention while you’re saying the mantra, it would help to emphasise the words “lucid” and “will” off the top of my head. Basically, just focus on your intent, and believe it will work!

Many people use visualisation to help them become lucid, something like visualising themselves becoming lucid in the last dream they had, while you’re doing this, it helps to set the intention once again, or repeat your mantra.

Or in some cases, no words or visualisation is needed to set intent, it’s just a simple as knowing you’ll become lucid, and kinda, just doing it.

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**What I do**
I repeat a mantra before bed until I feel I’ve set my intent, go to bed, naturally wake up, do the same thing. Generally putting all my focus into becoming lucid, and by doing this, I’ll randomly become aware in my dream as a result of me remembering and setting intent to become lucid.

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As with anything, WBTB greatly increases your chances of being successful with MILD, it’s recommended, but not needed.

If you have really bad prospective memory (the ability to remember to do something in the future, like picking up that pack of gum, or becoming aware in your dream), here is something you should read -


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity https://ift.tt/2NNp64l

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