Monday, June 15, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | DILD experiences? Also, lucidty advice would be appreciated

So, pretty much since the first time I started to properly learn about lucid dreaming, I started to do reality checks every so often; I do reality checks a few times a day, how many just depends from day to day. But I do reality checks pretty much every day.

A few things that struck me recently however;

1) is that while I'm doing my reality checks, in waking life, I am often also doing other things, like walking, looking at objects, etc. Sometimes even talking to someone or cooking at the same time. And I'm doing so in a way that isn't related to my reality checking but is related to what I was actually doing before starting my checks, it's just that I start checking while allowing everything else to run on auto.

I wondered if other people have any experience with this, and whether they found it to be either detrimental or insignificant. I don't think it's being detrimental for me, but I realised that it's often the case when I'm doing a reality check, so I wondered what other people thought or have found regarding this, at least for themselves.

2) is that when I find it's time to do a reality check, I never actually ask myself "Am I dreaming?"; I just carry out my reality checks and assess the overall consistency of reality. I don't actually believe that I have to say something to realise I'm dreaming, because all the times I've ever become lucid, I didn't have to ask a question like that. Even so, I realised perhaps the fact I don't ask myself vocally (even in my mind) if I'm dreaming could be part of my issue with DILD, but again, I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on this.

The other thing is, from all my previous lucid dreaming experiences, the problem isn't usually the checking, because I do usually realise that I'm dreaming when I do check. It's more often the problem that I have to remember to check at all, which for some reason just doesn't happen in dreams. For me, remembering to reality check in a dream that wasn't a WILD or WBTB is almost impossible for some reason. I know WBTB works well for me if I dedicate myself to it, but I find it too tiring to do and with limited energy and an already unusual sleep pattern, I can't really do WBTB.

I'd love to do WILD, as it's quite reliable for me in terms of actually becoming lucid, but I take unusually long to fall asleep even under normal circumstances, primarily because of how my condition affects my sleep, I believe. When my sleeping conditions are better, my rate for lucidity and dream recall seem to be much better overall anyway, which I suppose should be expected...

In summary, the advice I want is one about direction, I think. It seems that no matter what I try, none of the methods for becoming lucid seem suitable for me, for one reason or another.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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