Saturday, June 13, 2020

Lucid Dreaming | Classification of dream signs?

Im trying to decide which dream signs to aim for recognising my question is this, out of all my dream signs strange/unusual/weird stuff happens the most, but it can take many forms/shapes/context none of which are consistent also in my dreams I don’t think think “oh that’s weird/unusual or strange” at the very most I say or think “what’s that?” and watch it for a bit it’s only when I’m awake do I realise it was weird or unusual.

I have other reoccurring dream signs like family that I recognise as family or home town related stuff that I recognise as home town stuff in the dream.

So is weird to vague or is it something i should aim for as a way of building a critical mindset in the dream?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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