Thursday, February 22, 2018

Lucid Dreaming | Please help my daughter understand this dream

I'm writing to interpret my 11 year old daughter's dream. My mother (her gma) who she was very close to and who's been a parent to her all her life recently passed away. This dream left my daughter very upset, very quiet and distant. Said it was the worst dream ever.. she described it like so..

A war is happening and she and her family have taken shelter. She can hear loud bombs going off and low air planes. While in this shelter she sees her grandma in the distance,she runs towards her to hug her and as she touches her she transforms/morphs into a man, a stranger. It keeps happening thru out the dream. She sees her grandma, goes to touch her and she turns into a stranger. She says she is freaking out in the dream saying 'im hallucinating, I'm hallucinating'

What's your opinion

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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