Sunday, December 3, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | The Super Saiyan False Awekening Lucidity

now this lucidity and transformation is about being a super computer and having hyper dreams the technique scream as loud as you could in your mind and keep scream until you feel pain and anguish as you keep concentrating you have to ascend to a newer lucidity level in higher form of sleep and dream powers as you wake In this lucidity you have to control the darkness as if its universal energy wrap around your body and imprisoning you in space as you control this darkness you have to remember the shining light of moon energy as if you were staring at a full moon imprison in the nightshade as you control this form of intel you have to let your mind escape to a fantasy of Role playing games and virtual intel as you control this trance you have to transcend your power to god hood and devil worship as a being of light and darkness as you control this form you have to control your dream as if your always fighting and getting betrayed by friends as if they were your enemies in eternal struggle forever this is a afterlife ascension of how to control your dream in prep of self humiliation and self assurance his techniques is for people with a lot of dream friends and dream enemies are we really friends are your an accuser trying to betray me of our friendship theory and images hallucinations an dream lsd

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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