Monday, December 11, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Some questions from a beginner

So, to give some background, I only found out about inducing lucidity 2 days ago. 2 nights ago, I attempted FILD and was successful. I even managed to change my surroundings. However, as I have noticed is common in beginners, the dream only lasted a short time (felt ~1 minute). I tried again last night, but didn't sleep well which resulted in me never really being tired enough to attempt FILD. Normally I sleep fine, so I am going to ignore this as an anomaly. Now, on to the questions:

I have read that, along with keeping a dream journal, doing various RCs throughout the day to get in the practice is vital. Various posts have said to do this whenever you question reality. However, I almost never question reality (though as I continue to have more lucid dreams I am sure I will start). So, my first question is, when, more specifically, should I practice RCs? I thought today to do it whenever I noticed myself on "auto-pilot". That is, whenever I notice I have been doing a task for a while without directly thinking about it, whether that be walking, or stacking boxes, etc. Is this a good start?

Next question. As I am sure many of you know far more about sleep patterns and what not than I, would practicing FILD (which includes waking up 3-4 hours after going to sleep) adversely affect my waking health? If so, is FILD considered a stepping stone to better practices? Which ones should I be practicing?

Last question. Are there any good books/movies/resources you would recommend I, as a beginner, take a look at to improve?

Thanks for your time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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