Thursday, December 28, 2017

Lucid Dreaming | Alternating Galantamine and Huperzine-A?

So, I've started delving into the world of supplements to enhance my lucid dreaming progress. So far, I've been using Galantamine and Choline Bitartrate 1-2 times a week, over the past 3 weeks, with some great success (I only had one instance that it didn't do much for me).

I'm wanting to work with supplements for awhile to help give me enough of a boost to give me a chance to develop some of the lucidity skills I've been struggling to develop. I intend to start phasing out the supplements after awhile, but I'm not sure when yet. However, I am worried about developing a resistance to a single supplement, and have been wondering if it would be worth it to buy a "backup" supplement in the form of Huperzine-A to switch out with the Galantamine now and again.

Obviously, I wouldn't take them together and at the same time, but has anyone tried this method? I've been digging around online but haven't found anything about whether it would be safe/effective to do. I'm thinking of using 1 supplement 2, maybe sometimes 3 times during 1 week, the other supplement on the next week, etc, to give them a chance to clear out of my system before continuing.

Edit: I just realized I should have put this in the Lucid Aids sub-forum. Apologies!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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